41 Companies that Give Money to Planned Parenthood

Revelations about the harvesting of organs from babies by Planned Parenthood have sparked calls to end public funding of Planned Parenthood. In 2013, Planned Parenthood received more than $540 million from government sources.

Fewer people know that 25% of Planned Parenthood’s annual revenues come from private donations and include donations from some of America’s biggest companies. 2nd Vote is an app that helps conservatives know which causes different companies support so they can make conscientious purchasing decisions.

Here are the 41 companies support Planned Parenthood:

  1. Adobe
  2. American Cancer Society
  3. American Express
  4. AT&T
  5. Avon
  6. Bank of America
  7. Bath & Body Works
  8. Ben & Jerry’s
  9. Clorox
  10. Coca-Cola
  11. Converse
  12. Deutsche Bank
  13. Dockers
  14. Energizer
  15. Expedia
  16. ExxonMobil
  17. Fannie Mae
  18. Ford
  19. Groupon
  20. Intuit
  21. Johnson & Johnson
  22. La Senza
  23. Levi Strauss
  24. Liberty Mutual
  25. Macy’s
  26. March of Dimes
  27. Microsoft
  28. Morgan Stanley
  29. Nike
  30. Oracle
  31. PepsiCo
  32. Pfizer
  33. Progressive
  34. Starbucks
  35. Susan G. Komen
  36. Tostitos
  37. Unilever
  38. United Way
  39. Verizon
  40. Wells Fargo
  41. Xerox