46 Biblical principles to ground your conservative philosophy

“If we truly love our neighbors, and because of their worth, desire to serve them, we shall be concerned for their total welfare, the well-being of their soul, their body and their community. And our concern shall lead to practical programs [i.e., government programs and policies].”

~John R. W. Stott

Are you looking to ground yourself in Biblical principles as you step into your role as a
Defender? Below, we provide 46 fundamental principles that have developed our worldview and informed our decisions here at FPIW. We hope you find them helpful and spend time reflecting on your own worldview through the lens of these Biblical building blocks.

Biblical Worldview #1: God Created the Heavens and the Earth. (Genesis 1 & 2) 

Biblical Worldview #2: Everything God created was good. (Genesis 1:31) 

Biblical Worldview #3: God Created male and female: there are only two genders. (Genesis 1:27) 

Biblical Worldview #4: Sin entered into the world through one man Adam. (Genesis 3) 

Biblical Worldview #5: All have sinned and fallen short. (Romans 3:11-23) 

Biblical Worldview #6: God has his absolutes. (Exodus 20; Galatians 5:19-21; 1 Cor. 6:8-10; Rev. 21:7-8)

Biblical Worldview #7: Marriage is between one biological male and one biological female. (Genesis 2:24) 

Biblical Worldview #8: Life starts at conception. (Psalm 139:13-16, Jeremiah 1:5)

Biblical Worldview #9: Natural death. (Hebrews 9:27) 

Biblical Worldview #10: Free Speech. (Acts 5:27-29; Ephesians 4:15; Daniel 3:1-26; Ephesians 6:20)

Biblical Worldview #11: Self-defense. (Exodus 22:2-3; Luke 22:36; Acts 16:37-39; Luke 18:3)

Biblical Worldview #12: Consequences for rape and incest. (Deut. 22:25–27; 2 Sam. 13, Lev. 18; 20:11-21) 

Biblical Worldview #13: Consequences for hurting children. (Matthew 18:6) 

Biblical Worldview #14: The principle of sowing and reaping. (Galatians 6:7) 

Biblical Worldview #15: God sets up nations. (Psalm 46:10; Psalm 22:28; Genesis 11:8: Deuteronomy 32:8) 

Biblical Worldview #16: God is the God of law and order. (1 Cor. 14:40; Leviticus (as a whole))

Biblical Worldview #17: Equal justice. (Psalm 82:3; Isaiah 1:17) 

Biblical Worldview #18: The role of government. (Romans 13; 1 Peter 2) 

Biblical Worldview #19: Separation of Power. (Exodus 19-20 & 28; 1 Samuel 2-8; 2 Samuel 12)

Biblical Worldview #20: Property Rights. (Exodus 20:15-17; Deut. 27:17; Ex. 21:28–36; 22:1–15; Deut. 22:1–4) 

Biblical Worldview #21: Religious Freedom. (Leviticus 25:10) 

Biblical Worldview #22: Parental Rights. (Proverbs 22:6) 

Biblical Worldview #23: National Defense. (Psalm 86:9; Acts 17:26; 1 Peter 2:14; Judges 2:16–18; 1 Samuel 17) 

Biblical Worldview #24: Free Markets. (Genesis 1:28; Romans 13:4) 

Biblical Worldview #25: Limited Government. (Leviticus 19:15; Psalm 22:28) 

Biblical Worldview #26: God is just. (Deuteronomy 32:4) 

Biblical Worldview #27: God is holy. (Revelation 4:8) 

Biblical Worldview #28: God is the judge. (Psalm 75:7) 

Biblical Worldview #29: God is love. (1 John 4:7–8) 

Biblical Worldview #30: God is all-knowing. (Isaiah 46:9–10) 

Biblical Worldview #31: God is self-sufficient. (John 5:26) 

Biblical Worldview #32: God is all-present. (Psalm 139) 

Biblical Worldview #33: God is merciful. (Romans 9:15-16) 

Biblical Worldview #34: God is good. (Psalm 34:8) 

Biblical Worldview #35: God is gracious. (Psalm 145:8) 

Biblical Worldview #36: God is awesome. (Habakkuk 3:4) 

Biblical Worldview #37: God is vengeful. (Nahum 1:2-8) 

Biblical Worldview #38: God is wrath. (Romans 1:18-19; Ezekiel 15:17) 

Biblical Worldview #39: God punishes evil. (Isaiah 26:21) 

Biblical Worldview #40: God is jealous. (Exodus 34:14) 

Biblical Worldview #41: God is a consuming fire. (Deuteronomy 4:24) 

Biblical Worldview #42: God can be provoked to anger. (Psalm 78:58) 

Biblical Worldview #43: God is a mighty warrior. (Zephaniah 3:17) 

Biblical Worldview #44: God holds your hand. (Isaiah 41:13) 

Biblical Worldview #45: God is sovereign. (2 Samuel 7:22)

Biblical Worldview #46: God is a solid rock. (1 Samuel 2:2)

Our stances on issues of abortion, parental rights, homosexuality, and other hot-button topics are not pulled out of thin air with no basis in Scripture. Even our views on topics like taxation, limited government, and respecting the proper role of government are based in Biblical values. We feel confident in saying that every opinion put forth by FPIW is grounded in Scripture and comes from a place of seeking God’s heart for this state and this nation. We recognize that many issues we face in America today may not be discussed verbatim in the Bible, but that is why it is essential we have a personal relationship with our Creator and have a deep understanding of His many attributes. 

Whether you are a new Christian or someone who has been a member of the Church for most or all of your life, we hope you take time to reflect on the above scriptures that shape the Biblical Worldview. It is essential that we are informed and in touch with God’s heart on political matters. 

If you would like to delve deeper into this topic, you can download our free booklets here.