“Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord they God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.”
Deuteronomy 31:6
Have you ever been bullied? Maybe in school or at work? I think at times most of us have. As believers in God we can take this verse as encouragement and strength that no matter what, we do not have to be afraid.
The following recap from Jennifer Withee who works with me at the Family Policy Institute of Washington outlines how kids being bullied in a Charter school can stand up (literally) and do something about it:
All across the state and the nation, public schools are forcing kids into celebrating Pride month with events centered on embracing perverse sexual activity and transgender ideology, violating the deeply held religious beliefs of many children and their families. But we are seeing signs of families and children standing up and proclaiming, “enough is enough!”
Last Monday we were contacted by a group of concerned parents from Rainier Preparatory Academy, a public charter school for middle school students in Seattle. These Ethiopian immigrant families were a mix of Muslim, Jewish and Christian beliefs, and had learned that earlier in the day around 40 students walked out of the “diversity, equity, and inclusion” lesson that was a part of the school’s planned Pride program. In retaliation, the students were separated from their peers, locked in a separate classroom, their phones confiscated, and were deprived of lunch, recess, breaks and their enrichment classes.
The upset and confused parents tried to communicate with school administration with no satisfaction so they held a rally in front of the school and contacted FPIW. Monday evening, I met with approximately 48 families over Zoom. I explained to them that information about sexuality and gender identity is a part of sex ed and according to the law, they should have been given the opportunity to look at the curriculum and opt their child out of the lessons. I also explained that students have a First Amendment right to religious freedom of expression and freedom from persecution that does not end when they are at school. I empowered the parents to contact their school board about the issue and explained that they have a lot more say over whether the school succeeds or fails because it is a charter school. Coincidentally, during the meeting the families received notice that parents would be given the option of opting their child out of the Pride program that was planned for Wednesday morning.
Tuesday afternoon, the parents held another rally outside of the school. Their message was much more confident than the previous day partly because they were more knowledgeable of their rights and partly because they recognized that their activism was having an effect. They received word from school administration that the Wednesday Pride program had been canceled. Their work is not finished and Keith Adams and I will be meeting with these families later this month to offer them knowledge, encouragement and resources so they are empowered to protect their kids from indoctrination into the LGBTQ ideology. I am so thankful that Christ has given us the opportunity to show kindness and compassion to these families and help them protect their own families.
What’s interesting to note about this situation is how the students said “we’ve had enough” and walked out. When indoctrination happens in our Public Indoctrination Centers (AKA public schools) and the students see it and say we will not listen to this anymore, well, I would say, how about us as parents and grandparents? I would say, WE need to take the lead on this. We need to know what is going on in schools. Attend school board meetings, sign up to give feedback to the board on issues you are passionate about — we do not have to be afraid anymore.
They are coming after our kids and they will not stop until they have them. Unless we become the stop gap and push back and exercise our God given voices then we have no one to blame but ourselves.
Consider taking your kids/grandkids out of public schools if you can.Reach out for more information on how to do so.
Silence is no longer an option!
Keith Adams