Bill to Permit Prayer After Sporting Events Introduced in State House

In apparent response to Coach Joe Kennedy’s ongoing to dispute with the Bremerton school district, legislation was introduced today that would  allow anyone to make public demonstrations, including prayer, after sporting events at public high schools.

The legislation is sponsored by Rep. Jesse Young, whose district includes Bremerton, and co-sponsored by forty-five others. All the sponsors are Republicans.

Joe Kennedy is a retired Marine who was also a football coach at Bremerton High School until he was fired for praying on the field after football games.

The Bremerton School District has taken the position that the prayers open the school district up to lawsuits claiming that his prayers on the field after the game constitute a violation of the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause by creating the impression that the school district is endorsing the prayers.

Coach Kennedy has since sued the school district claiming religious discrimination and requesting to be returned to his coaching job.

The legislation introduced today (HB 1602) addresses this situation and others like it by declaring school grounds after a sporting even to be a public forum where the kinds of speech typically allowed in a public forum, including prayer, would be allowed.

The bill was assigned to the House Judiciary Committee and so far has not been scheduled for a hearing

No companion bill has been introduced in the Senate.

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