“Blueprint for Climate Success” or “Blueprint for Family Success”?

Washington State’s political leaders, opinion makers, and elites are now almost famous for focusing their efforts on fixing problems that have essentially already been solved, neglecting the problems they could and should be solving.

For example, why do they seem more interested in “bringing down” the worldwide carbon footprint in order to save people in the year 2100, rather than addressing the deadly crime, homelessness, sex slave trade, and drug use problems harming and killing people in our own cities and towns today?

Governor Inslee and his cohorts in Olympia have been laser focused on building a “blueprint” for climate action,” a plan to spend large amounts of government money on climate projects. But the law of opportunity cost would tell you that every dollar spent addressing a worldwide climate goal is one that cannot help a local family in need, a person in crisis, or a business that was forced to close down for months and months because they weren’t “essential” enough.

Talk about misguided priorities.

Even if the propaganda points were true and the Earth was in real jeopardy of rising ocean levels and climate change, does it really matter if we can’t take care of the neediest among us today? Just look on the streets of Seattle, or any city controlled by destructive ideologies. You can’t walk ten feet without seeing a person (or a business) in crisis. And the vast majority of those people have been in crisis for many years now!

Matthew 25:40 says, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

What are we really doing for the “least of these” when we direct billions of dollars away from meeting their needs to address an abstract and amorphous issue like climate action?

Frankly, one is blind if one hasn’t noticed that we’ve already solved the “climate crisis” thanks to innovative tech leaders like Elon Musk. We have already hit peak oil, and in the next 20 years, we will see a tremendous drop in the use of all fossil fuels globally. Even if zero technological advances occurred from this day forward, current market forces would automatically solve our carbon problem.

Our state’s failure of leadership was born by a failure to identify proper moral values and speak the truth regarding what is happening around them. The pagans and radicals in charge of Washington State refuse to address local humanitarian issues because they are less important than trying to implement failed and evil ideologies. They’ve had decades to address these problems of homelessness and addiction and they’ve only worsened because our leaders are distracted by meaningless platitudes, pagan agendas, and a belief that encouraging, even mandating people to adopt MORE vices and self-destructive behaviors and values leads to happiness and prosperity. Quite the opposite is true.

Family and faith are the solutions to all of these crises.

Most adults who are homeless or addicted were once children who didn’t have a family – or didn’t have a faithful or virtuous one. And Washington has done nothing to encourage the growth and promotion of the family unit either. We were among the first to “un-define” marriage, promote lifeless LGBT agendas, encourage drug use, and we remain, as a state, among the loudest cheerleaders for abortion and destructive sexual behaviors.

And as if that wasn’t bad enough, our leaders now believe that bringing back racism, segregation, and vindictive punishments will make America better. Those ideologies don’t lead to life, happy families, or societal fulfillment; they lead only to death and destruction.

What if Washington State’s “Blueprint for Climate Success” were a “Blueprint for Family Success”? What if our leaders were more concerned about addressing the real problems of today instead of the conceived problems of tomorrow?

How different would our state look if its leaders began to care more about how Jesus would see them at the Final Judgement, rather than how Twitter and Facebook judge them today?