Comprehensive Sexual Education: There is an alternative

One reading of most modern Sex Education materials makes parents cry aloud, “What can I do?”

After reading materials, parents say, “This makes me uncomfortable.” Explaining why is difficult without spending hours and finding something more comfortable as a replacement is nearly impossible. When a parent expresses their concerns to school personnel, they are told one or more of the following comments.

  • We are required to teach this.
  • We tone the materials down.
  • No other parent has come to us with this problem.
  • If you don’t like it, bring in something else. The parent goes away with a spring in their step saying, “I can do this.”

After phone calls and internet searches and maybe the purchase of possible replacement materials, the parent makes another appointment with the school personnel. Parents are then told that the materials must: be approved by the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction after it passes all the district committee processes. It will need to teach each topic on the OSPI framework for Sex Education. Then a school district must submit the newly proposed materials. There is no time frame for the review and OSPI has a list of preferred approved materials.

Is your mind boggled with red tape yet?

If you have complained about the immoral climate orSex Education, this is your chance to make a difference. Teen-Aid received a federal grant to provide The Alternative Project throughout Washington State. The project aims to reduce sexual activity, its consequences, and other risk-taking behaviors. Officials doubt that parents care enough to make an effort to work with their teen in sufficient numbers. If citizens want something different, they must support the alternative by participating. Share with family and friends the opportunity to educate their teens, at home using their family values. The tools are free. There are several options meant to meet the needs of various settings in communities.

Don’t be Afraid

The Alternative program is digital. It can be done at your convenience; for high school credit or as a means of increasing connections with your teen. Parents are given information, questions to ask and opportunities to share family values in a non-threatening environment. Topics are relevant for the digital information age while respecting the sensitivity of you and your teen. Parents are the best educators and teens want to hear from their parents because parents are the only long-term support system in a teen’s life.

Parents and teens will complete a survey. That’s to hold Teen-Aid accountable. Whitworth University will evaluate the effectiveness of the program but will not have access to any contact information. Participants give their opinion so the program can improve. Haven’t you always wanted to tell the government how to improve their services? This is your chance!

What would make me consider the program?

A comparison of Sexual Risk Reduction (called Comprehensive Sex Education) and Sexual Risk Avoidance (considered a Personal Responsibility Education approach) reveals program differences.

Comprehensive Sex Education

Sexual Risk Avoidance

Appropriate condition for Sex Activity

Sex is appropriate if both partners consent. Sexual activity is best in committed relationships, usually called marriage


Contraception is available without parental involvement or consent at age 12. Abstinence is the first and healthiest choice for teens and is supported by parents and family physicians.

Fetal Development

Fetal Development is summarized in high school. The beauty of fetal development helps teens understand the importance of having a stable environment in which to have sex and a child.


Local clinic referrals are emphasized; Planned Parenthood is preferred. Referrals are to family physicians that have complete medical information in accordance with family values.

Role of Parent

Parents may be notified of Sex ed under state law. Teens have reproductive rights to attend classes, make contraceptive, abortion and gender change decisions. Parents are a part of the education process, providing family and faith values. Material content is honestly shared with parents.

Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer LGBTQ

Since CSE believes in birth to death sexuality, children are given choices of gender fluidity in pre-school by way of normalizing all forms of family, sexual expression and behaviors.

All individuals have the right to sexual pleasure. All have the right to determine their own gender status physically and emotionally throughout different stages of life, including genital organs, dressing, and sexual partner preference. Normalizing numerous genders and organ reassignment, as well as advocacy for transgenderism, is part of the LGBTQ movement.

Gender is assigned at conception. Gender dysphoria is not a cause to tease or bully. Parents and professional play important roles in giving support to teens living with dysphoria while avoiding the consequences of this decision until as in most cases, individuals choose the biological gender assigned at birth.

Make an optimal health decision

You can teach your own children without increasing negative behaviors or arousing curiosity. Your parents may not have talked to you but today, the sexual environment is too dangerous to not prepare your teen for the world. You can do this. You love your children. Help your teens avoid risks while building healthy communication. Call Teen-Aid to discuss the options. You can teach your child or someone else will!

You can reach LeAnna Benn and Teen Aid at 509.482.2868 for more information.