De-Pop Agenda: Eugenics and the Root of the Abortion Industry

We know the abortion pill is unsafe for women. We know the FDA negligently approved it. We know the abortion industry is pulling the puppet strings of the federal government to increase their own profits, and have been for decades.

What you may not know is that the patent for the abortion pill mifepristone is owned by The Population Council, a eugenic organization headquartered in New York City, whose goal upon inception in 1952 was and remains to “reduce human population.”

The Population Council was established shortly after World War II and shared the same ideology as the Nazis of weeding out “less desirable” individuals – just through different means. The organization was founded by John D. Rockefeller III, Frederick Osborn, John Foster Dulles, and with Margaret Sanger’s influence, their goal was to push abortion and contraception onto minorities they considered “human weeds” who were “polluting the gene pool by breeding.” This highly disturbing concept has ties to the principles of Charles Darwin, who believed certain categories of people were better than others. Francis Galton, Darwin’s cousin, coined the term eugenics in the 1880s and wrote that it is “the science of improving stock through all influences that tend in however remote a degree to give to the more suitable races or strains of blood a better chance of prevailing speedily over the less suitable than they otherwise would have.” 

Sanger introduced the first form of birth control in 1916 and continued collaborating with discredited and immoral researchers who violated numerous ethical codes in order to develop new forms of birth control – including performing surgical examinations on psychiatric patients without their comprehension or consent. The version of the pill that was eventually approved by the FDA in 1960 had a hormonal dose 10 times too high and resulted in numerous complications such as life threatening blood clots that the researchers chalked up topsychogenic side effects.” No different from today, these researchers did not care about the health and safety of women – they cared about profit and their depopulation agenda.

The Population Council unequivocally shared Sanger’s views. The group believed that “unfit, poor, and unintelligent people were more fertile than fit people,” and that minorities made “wrong choices with respect to family planning because they were incompetent, unmotivated, or influenced by their own or their family’s culture.”

It’s hard to fathom that with all the Left’s talk of equity and inclusion, they are vigorously pushing for increased access to a drug created by a racist and eugenic organization, with the purpose of weeding out minorities and “less desirable” humans. Why are we pretending their agenda is any different now than it was 50 years ago, when the vast majority of abortions today are performed on black and Hispanic women? 

Census data shows that white women make up 63.4% of America’s female population, and account for 33% of abortions in the United States. Black women make up 12.7% of the population, but account for 38% of abortions. Hispanic women make up 21% of the population, and account for 16.2% of abortions. This makes black women 370% more likely to have an abortion as opposed to white women, and Hispanic women approximately 180% times more likely. Since 1973, more than 63 million abortions have taken place in the United States.

Margaret Sanger’s abortion agenda is alive and well today. This is exactly what she and The Population Council wanted. Let’s stop pretending otherwise.

“Margaret Sanger deserves no honors for her devastating work in birth control, eugenics and abortion,” Liberty Counsel founder Matt Staver said. “Her life’s work, and the work of these so-called doctors, have used and discarded women, targeted minorities, and killed innocent babies under the guise of population control, but with the sole purpose of eliminating people. They are a dark stain on the history of America. The FDA’s sordid history is nothing new. This agency needs a complete overhaul.” (emphasis added)


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