Planned Parenthood Ignores Mandates, Begs for Medical Supplies Meant for COVID-19 Relief

In a truly stunning turn of events, Planned Parenthood and other abortion clinics have gone from refusing to comply with state directives to halt elective abortions –intended to ensure masks, gloves and manpower are available to deal with COVID-19 – to actively soliciting donations for the same medical supplies that are in short supply, so that their own abortion businesses can continue providing abortions without hindrance.













I’ve said it before and I will say it again, unequivocally – it doesn’t matter what your opinion on abortion is. We should all agree that combatting COVID-19 is of significantly higher priority than keeping abortion clinics open to perform elective abortions.

Masks and gloves should be reserved for those saving lives on the front line combatting a highly-contagious disease – not to be used to take life at an abortion clinic.

We have asked several times now. Governor Inslee, why are abortion clinics still allowed to operate and perform elective procedures in Washington State? Now that we understand the motives of the abortion industry during COVID-19, and their selfish desires to remain in operation while the rest of the medical industry struggles to keep up with the demand for medical supplies, we have a mandate to respond.

We are going to battle on this issue. If Governor Inslee and others choose to continue ignoring the horrible and immoral positions Planned Parenthood and other abortion clinics are putting our nation in by competing for already scarce resources, this issue will end up in court. We must ensure that our doctors, nurses, and front-line healthcare workers have what they need to take care of people who are sick and dying.

Will you make a commitment to help us prepare for this battle?

As we have been told so many times, time is of the essence in fighting COVID-19. The abortion industry shouldn’t be allowed to interfere with that effort – regardless of how ideologically-inclined some in authority may be towards them. This is an issue of life and death – literally.