Pro-life Church at Planned Parenthood returns to Spokane

It’s no secret that one of Planned Parenthood’s favorite tactics is to try to bury pro-life advocates and opponents under crushing legal fees and endless lawsuits (like their lawsuit against David Daleiden and FPIW).

Planned Parenthood used the same tactic against the Church at Planned Parenthood, a pro-life ministry seated across the street from one of its abortion clinics in Spokane.

The Church at Planned Parenthood says it is “a worship service at the gates of Hell. The Church at Planned Parenthood is a gathering of Christians for the worship of God and the corporate prayer for repentance for this nation, repentance for the apathetic church and repentance of our blood guiltiness in this abortion holocaust.”

Before a legal injunction, churchgoers from around Spokane would gather in song, worship, and prayer across the street form the Planned Parenthood. According to LiveAction, when Planned Parenthood sued, “an injunction against the church was issued by Judge Timothy B. Fennessy, who said the church intentionally interfered with Planned Parenthood’s ‘services’ — abortion. Within the next year, a judge ruled that the church violated state law and interfered with patient care and had to pay the six-figure fine” ($960,000).

Ken Peters, the pastor at the church, said that their insurance thankfully covered most of those fees. Commenting on the disproportionate fight between the massive, corporate Planned Parenthood and their local church, Peters said, “I got crushed by the steamroller, but that’s what they do to babies, so.”

And this March, the Church at Planned Parenthood returned.

In a March 14 Facebook post, Pastor Ken Peters shared an image of worshippers during a service and said,

Four years ago we planted an outdoor church at Planned Parenthood in Spokane, WA. We worship, pray, give and preach. It grew to 100’s of Believers. Planned Parenthood lied and sued us for 1 million and won. So we are restarting the church full board tonight. Join us. 7pm The Gates of Hell will NOT Prevail.

It’s hard not to draw comparisons between this fight to the story of David and Goliath – and we all know who won out in the end.