Satanists Look to Move into Washington Elementary Schools
Do Satanists have an absolute right to teach their anti-Christian message to elementary students in public schools? Earlier this summer, the Satanic Temple released
Do Satanists have an absolute right to teach their anti-Christian message to elementary students in public schools? Earlier this summer, the Satanic Temple released
Officials at a public elementary school in Palmdale, California, dispatched a deputy sheriff after a first grader shared Bible verses with his friends at lunch.
On May 31, the European Commission announced a partnership with tech moguls like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Microsoft to combat “racism, xenophobia and all forms
In a devastating 5-3 loss for pro-life advocates, the Supreme Court just overturned two provisions of Texas’ HB 2 law that placed restrictions on
Not only are married men healthier and happier than their single peers, but statistics show they are also more financially successful. “Becoming a husband means
The state’s new health and physical education standards have provoked a strong backlash from parents and citizens who are outraged that children will be taught
In a move denounced by some as “Orwellian,” Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Microsoft have all pledged to review and remove illegal hate speech from
The federal government is threatening to withhold federal education funding from local school districts that disobey the recent Obama administration bathroom directive. The directive,
Seattle University students are occupying the lobby of the school’s college of humanities, demanding the resignation of its dean. The offense? According to the students’ petition, the
With one voice, we are stronger together to defend and advance biblical values across Washington State.
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