Intact Fetuses are “Just a Matter of Line Items”

“Just a matter of line items.”  That’s how one Planned Parenthood executive referred to the parts of an intact cadaver from an abortion they performed in the fifth video was released today by the Center for Medical Progress.

This video may be the worst one yet.

In it, Planned Parenthood representatives discuss altering the method of abortion as a way to obtain “intact fetal cadavers.”

Despite the fact that it is illegal to sell fetal remains, Melissa Farrrell, Director of Research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast refers to the fetal tissue program as a “diversification of the revenue stream.”

Planned Parenthood has maintained they don’t “sell” them but just take “reimbursement for costs.”

However, Planned Parenthood would not view the program as a way of diversifying their revenue stream if the revenues simply covered actual costs.

Still, the worst part of the video is not the callous way they refer to the parts of babies as items of commerce, but the images of the remains the Planned Parenthood employees sift through which clearly show arms and legs that were attached to growing babies only hours before.

This video is disturbing in ways that holocaust imagery is disturbing.  It is shocking to the conscience that people can behave this way and still believe themselves to be civilized. But the good news is, what has for decades been hidden is now being exposed.

Allowing the world to see the reality of the abortion industry is the only way to stop it.

Please don’t let this truth stop with you.

The first step is defunding, but that cannot be the last step.

Washington State gives approximately $25 million each year to Planned Parenthood.

If this is not the way you want your tax dollars used, contact your legislators through the legislative hotline at 1-800-562-6000 or contact them via email by clicking here.