Why should you become a DEFENDER?

David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet Goliath.
— I Samuel 17:48

It’s time for winning. It’s time to go on offense. It’s time for action to reclaim our state. 
Our state has reached a crisis point with new and direct attacks on the family, and especially against the innocence of children.

  • They hate our values.
  • They hate our morality.
  • They hate our Biblical worldview.

They have “defied the armies of the living God” (I Samuel 17:36).

We need YOU to become a Defender and help us take back our state.

As a Defender, you can bring about real change in Washington by taking action on bills, ballots, initiatives, and other legislative events impacting our state. We are strongest when we come together with one voice, and we need you on our team to help us amplify our battle cry.

But, practically speaking, what do Defenders do?

Every day, we’re taking steps to reclaim our state. Here is an example of the Legislative Updates you would receive when Olympia is in session as a Defender:



With just a few clicks, you can have a practical impact on cultural events. Our state needs you to stand for Life, Marriage, Parental Rights, Religious Liberty, and all legislative matters impacting the family. Together we will defend and advance biblical values in the public square.  

We are called “for such a time as this” (Esther 4:14), and we look forward to living in a state where authentic biblical values flourish. Let’s make it happen.

Click here to become a DEFENDER today.