World Health Organization’s “Pandemic Agreement” threatens national sovereignty, your freedom

face masks, covid

Should the United States seed more power to the World Health Organization? Conservative lawmakers are deeply concerned by the WHO’s proposed “pandemic agreement” which has been marketed as a plan to better handle global health crises, but in reality would enable the international body to censor information in order to prevent an “infodemic” with no oversight, as well as “redistribute 20% of all U.S. ‘pandemic-related products’’’ to other nations.

This is a dangerous step toward global governance. The American people deserve to be governed by their local and national elected officials, not an unaccountable international body with zero checks and balances.

Despite this, President Joe Biden is planning to sign on to the international treaty sometime this month, bypassing the constitutionally required 2/3 majority vote of the Senate. In response, 48 senators have co-sponsored a bill titled “No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act,” which would reinforce that Biden must gain two thirds of the Senate’s approval before signing the treaty.

“The treaty would put us under the thumb of the U.N. and communist China and the WHO for whatever they wanted to declare a crisis, whether it’s a poverty crisis, or a gun violence crisis or a climate crisis, or a health crisis, and make us listen to the WHO. That is not constitutional,” U.S. Representative Bob Good noted.

What are the implications of such an agreement?  President of the Women’s Rights without Frontiers and Anti-Globalist International Reggie Littlejohn explained that, if signed, America could be forced to mandate vaccines, masks, lockdowns, and quarantines for the entire nation, with no exemptions. It would destroy America’s autonomy during times of crisis. The WHO could even go so far as to “mandate that the governments of the world surveil and censor their citizens, no doubt through digital IDs, which can be used as the basis of a Chinese-style, social credit,” she said.

Even still, you may ask, what’s so bad about the World Health Organization that we should fear their governance? 

Apart from the WHO’s Leftist bias that is mirrored in other international bodies such as the United Nations, the organization’s leadership demonstrated their incompetence (or corruption) time and time again during the COVID-19 pandemic. Their disastrous failures include: “opposing bans on travel from China that could have limited the reach of COVID, for legitimizing the false claims coming out of the Chinese government that initially downplayed the gravity of the situation and covered up the Communist regime’s mishandling of it, and for favoring the lockdown and mandate policies that exacerbated harm while curtailing basic freedoms and failing to improve health outcomes.”

A recent poll showed that only 29% of 1,000 potential voters believed it was a “good idea” to delegate America’s pandemic decision making to the WHO, and almost 75%  thought health decisions should remain with their elected representatives. Sixty-eight percent believed the public should have an opportunity to see and debate the final text of the agreement before it is ratified. Only 9% of respondents wanted America’s pandemic decisions to be outsourced to an international body.

“In December [2019], the WHO refused to act on or publicize Taiwan’s warning that the new respiratory infection emerging in China could pass from human to human,” U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio wrote in an Op-Ed for the National Review in April 2020. “In mid January [2020], despite accumulating evidence of patients contracting what we now know as COVID-19 from other people, the organization repeated the [Chinese Communist Party’s] lie that there was no evidence of human-to-human transmission. In January, the WHO, at Beijing’s behest, also blocked Taiwan from participating in critical meetings to coordinate responses to the coronavirus and even reportedly provided wrong information about the virus’s spread in Taiwan.”

The World Health Organization deserves nothing less than our deep distrust. They are unaccountable, lack transparency, are unelected by the American people, and have no business unilaterally enforcing policies on U.S. citizens without their consent or input. We have local, state, and federal elected officials for a reason, not to mention our Department of Health, Food and Drug Administration, and Center for Disease Control, which were all involved in pandemic-related responses. Though many of our national departments and elected officials made abysmal decisions that infringed on our freedoms and failed to actually protect us from COVID-19, why should we think that an international body will do any better, when they too failed to make appropriate decisions during that time? 

This treaty is being quietly pursued by the Biden administration, and many American citizens are unaware of its existence. We cannot allow our nation to silently surrender its sovereignty without raising a fight. We need to loudly declare from every available channel that Americans are against the WHO Pandemic Agreement. Talk to your friends and family, speak your mind on social media, email your elected officials and the Biden administration, and do whatever you can to DEFEND America against this invasion.

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