
“A state where authentic biblical values flourish, and people are free to live out their faith in the workplace and community.”

Marriage & Family

We pray that fathers and mothers will remain faithful in marriage and prioritize their family. We pray that they will be living examples to each other and to their children of God’s strong and steadfast love. May they live lives that embody the Good and the True, submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ.


We pray for fathers across our state. We pray that they will provide strength, leadership, and protection to their wife and children by humbly participating in the divine love of our Heavenly Father. We pray that they will raise their children to glorify God, bringing them up in the disciple and instruction of the Lord, and in doing so, that their children might respect their fellow Washingtonians.


We pray for mothers across our state. We pray that they will embody a caring love and respect to their husband and children by prioritizing their children as their most important work. We pray that they will raise their children to glorify God, bringing them up in the disciple and instruction of the Lord, and in doing so, that their children might respect their fellow Washingtonians.

Sheriff & Sheriff's Department

We pray for the 39 sheriffs across our state. We pray that they will protect our inalienable rights by upholding the Constitution of the Great State of Washington. We pray that they will stand strong against tyranny and lawlessness.

Judges (Local to Supreme)

We pray for our judges to exercise godly wisdom, equal justice, and to protect our sacred liberties. We pray that they will show courageous leadership to defend and advance biblical values, especially the law of love.

Law Enforcement (City, State, & Federal)

We pray for our police. We pray that they will have the courage to enforce the law, maintain safety, and protect our lives and liberties. We pray that they will show honorable leadership to defend and advance biblical values.

School Board Members (Public & Private) (K-12 to University)

We pray for our school board members. We pray that they will show courageous leadership to defend and advance biblical values, and especially to protect the innocence of children. We pray that they will demonstrate what it means to love God and our neighbors with all of our hearts and all of our minds.

Adminstrators (Public & Private) (K-12 to University)

We pray for our school administrators. We pray that they will show courageous leadership to defend and advance biblical values, and especially to protect the innocence of children. We pray that they will demonstrate what it means to love God and our neighbors with all of our hearts and all of our minds.

Educators (Public & Private) (K-12 to University)

We pray for our educators. We pray that they will focus on the fundamentals of academic excellence, such as reading, writing, logic, and math. In all things, may they pursue the truth. We pray that they will embody to their students whatever is right, whatever is pure, and whatever is noble. 

Mayors & Councils

We pray for our city officials. We pray that they will represent us with honor, integrity, and dignity. We pray that they will show courageous leadership to defend and advance biblical values, especially life, marriage, parental rights, and religious liberty.

County Elected Officials

We pray for our county officials. We pray that they will represent us with honor, integrity, and dignity. We pray that they will show courageous leadership to defend and advance biblical values, especially life, marriage, parental rights, and religious liberty.

House Representatives (State & Federal)

We pray for our Representatives in the House. We pray that they will represent us with honor, integrity, and dignity as one nation under God. We pray that they will show courageous leadership to defend and advance biblical values, especially life, marriage, parental rights, and religious liberty.

Senators (State & Federal)

We pray for our Senators. We pray that they will represent us with honor, integrity, and dignity as one nation under God. We pray that they will show courageous leadership to defend and advance biblical values, especially life, marriage, parental rights, and religious liberty.

Executives (State & Federal)

We pray for our Governor, President, and Vice President. We pray that they will represent us with honor, integrity, and dignity as one nation under God. We pray that they will show courageous leadership to defend and advance biblical values, especially life, marriage, parental rights, and religious liberty.

FPIW's Strategic Prayer Partnership


Jesus’ heart for the Church could not have been any clearer—“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations” (Mark 11:17). It has always been God’s plan for every local church and fellowship in every nation to become houses of prayer. The question is: how do we help churches develop a culture and rhythm of prayer?


· Simple

· Unifying

· Pastor-led

· Local-church-based

· Powerful

· Sustainable




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Your PDF copy will be emailed to you. PowerPoints also are available. Email [email protected] to request yours. So that more resources can be developed, please make a generous donation today.