In Your Hands: Our Groundbreaking App – DEFENDERS Take Action

Are you ready for a new groundbreaking strategy to impact our state? With your help, it will soon be placed into your hands – and there will be impact at your fingertips to shape the story of Washington State. Our state is in desperate need of passionate Christians willing to stand up for Biblical values in the public square, and people intent on creating a home where those values flourish. At FPIW, that is our central goal, and now we are making it easier than ever for you to get involved. It’s time for action.

We’re incredibly excited to finally share with you a project months in the making – creating a mobile app for DEFENDERS. With only a few clicks, you can have a practical impact. This app is part of the effort we announced last year to mobilize all 1.7 million conservatives in our state. We know that we are strongest when we come together in one voice, and this groundbreaking app allows us to do so in a whole new way.

(1) Free. Our DEFENDERS app will be free to download on any mobile device and can be used to easily keep track of bills and events, connect with people in your community, and pray for what’s happening in our state. It will automatically alert you about the latest relevant bills introduced in the legislative session – a time when your voice is especially influential and needed in our cultural struggle.

(2) Customized. Once you’ve created an account and logged into the app, you will be able to customize the information you receive on the app and via email so it is tailored to your interests. If you’re interested in becoming more involved in the pro-life movement in Washington, you can toggle the button to “Max” and more on bills and events related to abortion will be sent to you.

(3) Register Your Position: PRO or CON? Another feature we are incredibly excited to introduce is allowing users to register their position on important legislation at the click of a button. Officially registering your position as PRO or CON on various bills is a powerful tool used during session, and has an even stronger impact than emailing your legislators. Your voice needs to be heard!

For years we have sent out legislative updates throughout the session, urging readers to take action on various bills. With the fast-paced nature of Washington’s legislature, and the sheer amount of bills that are introduced, we know it can be overwhelming. That’s why we focused our efforts on creating a user-friendly, quick way to take action on the issues you’re interested in. 

(4) Automatic Alerts. We know the desire to become politically engaged is strong for many families in Washington, especially as parental rights are stripped away and Christian values are attacked from every angle. This app is a powerful tool you can use to defend conservative values in a way that fits into your busy daily life. It doesn’t take traveling to Olympia and testifying before a committee to make a difference – there are many other ways to become politically engaged that require far less of your time, such as using this app.

(5) Equip Yourself: Cultural Apologetics. Another essential feature of the DEFENDERS app will allow you to develop communities and connect with like-minded people by way of video and news. Our struggle is not easy, and we need each other. We also need to learn from each other, and educate ourselves on cultural apologetics. We need to be equipped for debate and “give a reason for the hope within us” (1 Peter 3:15). We hope you’ll take advantage of the unique opportunity to connect with other conservatives in Washington who share your same vision for our state, and your same frustration with the status quo.


We have spent months praying about the direction for FPIW and DEFENDERS, and we strongly believe this is the path forward that God has laid out for us. We are incredibly excited to see how God will use this app once it is placed into your hands.

Of course, the professional development of a complex app such as this one is not an inexpensive task.

In addition to your political engagement through our emails and initiatives, each time you donate to the development of this app and our other projects, you are contributing and helping us make a difference in your community. Your giving is the reason we are able to explore new paths. The app cost $250,000 – that’s 500 people giving $500; or 1,000 people giving $250.

In order to continue the development of this app, we ask you to prayerfully consider making a contribution to the development of this app. We are the first in the nation to have this app professionally developed, and it will be a model for other state family policy councils across the nation to have customized for their own state. This is a big-picture goal that we are seeing come to fruition, and we hope you’re as excited as we are. This app is a key strategic tool to bring victory to our beloved Washington State.

(Click the image below to contribute to this cause.)