New Boy Scout Policy Makes Host Church Liable?

Yesterday, the Nation Board of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) ended their ban on gay leaders.

This brings up concern for churches who host BSA meetings in their facilities. The Mormon Church voiced concern over the new policy and was able to come to an agreement with the BSA and the new membership policy.

Under the new policy, any church who hosts BSA meetings and believe marriage is between a man and a woman will be able to choose the leaders for their local units. They can choose leaders who share their beliefs on marriage and can “[restrict]…positions to heterosexual men”.

But does the new policy make host churches liable?

The answer might be yes.  Now that the Boy Scouts are taking a position contrary to the biblical understanding of marriage and sexuality, churches who partner with the BSA might be exposing themselves to additional liability

Here is a resource that outlines the legal ramifications to churches from the new BSA membership policy.

Other resources available for churches is the Alliance Defending Freedom Protecting Your Ministry guidebook and the FPIW Protect Your Ministry meetings.

Throughout the summer and fall, FPIW is hosting Protect Your Ministry meetings all over the State to  help churches and ministries better prepare for potential lawsuits as a result of the Supreme Court ruling on marriage. You can read more about the meetings here and find out when there will be a meeting near you.