Planned Parenthood Is Not About Healthy Options

In an interview with W Magazine, former Planned Parenthood President Faye Wattleton recently spoke about the founding of Planned Parenthood and her opinions on the “reproductive rights” of women.

Wattleton was President of Planned Parenthood from 1978-1992, but before becoming a part of the national organization, she ran a local Planned Parenthood chapter. Most of the interview is full of jumbled jargon and old talking points, but Wattleton does make one thing very clear: Planned Parenthood’s mission was never about providing women with healthy options.

“Interestingly, Planned Parenthood was started by a woman who wasn’t so concerned about parenthood as she was about women’s sexual and reproductive liberation,” said Wattleton.

Wattleton spent almost a quarter of a century working for Planned Parenthood. In the interview, she attempts to hold herself up as someone who helped pioneer a positive movement. However, the reality is that by fighting for the legalization of abortions and various contraceptives, she is responsible for helping to shape Planned Parenthood into the abortion corporation that it is today.

In the interview, Wattleton ironically claims that even though she left Planned Parenthood years ago, women still come up to her and say that without Planned Parenthood, they would not have had a life.

“Even though I left the organization a number of years ago, after almost a quarter of a century of service there, I still meet women who say that, “Without Planned Parenthood, I would not have had a life. I would not have been able to achieve what I’ve been able to achieve,” and subsequently have become mothers and successful in their own lives,” said Wattleton.

I’m not sure how Wattleton claims Planned Parenthood is about life when, according to Planned Parenthood’s latest report, last fiscal year Planned Parenthood performed approximately 900 abortions per day. That works out to be about 37 babies per hour.

Wattleton also states that one in three women have benefited from Planned Parenthood’s services. A more accurate statistic would be to cite that one in eight clients who enter Planned Parenthood get an abortion.

Wattleton jumps all over the place during the interview and is no less confusing with her concluding statement. She says:

“I’d like to think that the work that I was able to do during the almost a quarter of a century of Planned Parenthood is that I preserved a country in which people who really want to have children and who believe that abortion is wrong and that they should not be forced to terminate a pregnancy against their will also have that right.”

Whether or not Wattleton is sincere in this statement is hard to know, but the reality of the quote is far from the agenda that Planned Parenthood has steadily and consistently propagated since its inception. Indeed, the very day after abortion was legalized in New York City, Planned Parenthood began taking the lives of innocent babies, performing 56 abortions that day.

In the past 100 years, Planned Parenthood has aborted at least 6,803,782 unborn babies, as documented in the organization’s annual reports. Lifenews wrote:

The number likely is even higher. The abortion chain was doing abortions prior to the U.S. Supreme Court ruling Roe v. Wade in 1973. … It is unknown how many babies were aborted during those…years.

The truth is that Planned Parenthood cares absolutely nothing about women’s health or helping women who really want to have children. Faye Wattleton’s legacy is apparent, and in her own words, it’s an organization that isn’t as concerned about parenthood as it is about profiting of “sexual liberation,” i.e., vice and sexual exploitation.

Josh Denton is a contributing writer to Family Policy Institute of Washington.