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Progressive Democrats Take Aim at Hyde Amendment in Party Platform


It is “the most progressive platform in the history of the democratic party.” – Bernie Sanders

Democratic National Platform Committee members have been hard at work to finalize this year’s Democrat Party platform. Generally unveiled around the nominating convention, the platform outlines the goals and objectives of the Democrats in this election cycle and beyond.

Now that the members of the Committee have moved towards finalizing the platform, Americans are getting a clearer picture of the radical nature of their plans.

A party platform is a non-binding document that formally expresses the party’s positions on a wide variety of issues. This year’s priorities include: adding a $15/hour minimum wage, adding a tax on carbon, decriminalizing marijuana, and abolishing the death penalty.  But perhaps most shockingly, the Democrats are adding a plank that even further increases access and taxpayer funding for abortions, admitting that they want to rid America of the 1976 Hyde Amendment.

The Hyde Amendment, which was introduced after the Roe v. Wade decision, has served as the central legal mechanism that blocks the federal government from directly funding abortions.  Now that abortion had been found as a constitutional right, Congressman Henry Hyde, a strong believer in the sanctity of life, moved to ensure that taxpayers wouldn’t be on the hook for abortion funding.  The amendment passed 207-167, and is still considered the first major legislative success to come out of the pro-life movement in the United States.

The Democrats view the Hyde Amendment as an attack on women’s rights, despite the fact that 69% of American women oppose taxpayer funding of abortions.  Over half of Americans who identify as pro-choice are opposed to taxpayer-funded abortion.

Although Democratic Party Platform Committee convened on July 1, the final adopted platform will not be formally announced until the Democratic National Convention on July 25 in Philadelphia.

Do you value the sanctity of life?  Do you stand with the Democrats and their new progressive positions? Leave your thoughts below.

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