Adopt An Elected


1 Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, 2 for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. 3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 1 Timothy 2:1–4 (NKJV)

David and Cathy Sellstrom are the Senior Pastors of the Remnant Church in Tumwater, WA. Our primary mission is the Great Commission as spelled out in Matthew 28:16-20. We also believe that the Church needs to be restored to its rightful place in our culture regarding politics. Our Bill of Rights and Constitution, as we know, was framed by Godfearing men for a Godly people and is not designed for any other. It is up to us to restore our nations Godly heritage as we Take Back the Land of the hearts and lives of the people.

“The Church must take the right ground regarding politics.  Politics are part of a religion in a country like this, and Christians must do their duty to their country as part of their duty to God.  He will bless or curse this nation according to the course Christians take in politics.”  Charles Finney   

If you would like to reach out to us – please email

[email protected]

[email protected]

Step #1: Find Your Elected

Enter Your Information

On the HOME page, look to the
right column and click on

Write Down the Elected Officials that you want to Adopt




Adopted List

You may choose people from your district, any elected, or anyone from the list below. “X” means they have been adopted. Our goal for 2025 is to cover at least the House and the Senate elected officials.

Member NamePartyDistrictPositionChamberAdopted
Peter AbbarnoR201House 
Hunter AbellR72HouseX
Emily AlvaradoD34 Senate 
Andrew BarkisR21House 
Stephanie BarnardR81House 
Jessica BatemanD22 Senate 
April BergD442House 
Steve BergquistD112House 
Adam BernbaumD241House 
Liz BerryD362House 
Matt BoehnkeR8 Senate 
John BraunR20 Senate 
Dan BronoskeD282House 
Brian BurnettR121House 
Michelle CaldierR262House 
Lisa CallanD52House 
Mike ChapmanD24 Senate 
Rob ChaseR42HouseX
Leonard ChristianR4 SenateX
Annette ClevelandD49 Senate 
April ConnorsR82House 
Steve ConwayD29 Senate 
Chris CorryR151House 
Adrian CortesD18 Senate 
Julio CortesD381House 
Travis CoutureR352House 
Lauren DavisD322House 
Tom DentR131House 
Manka DhingraD45 Senate 
Beth DoglioD221House 
Brandy DonaghyD441House 
Perry DozierR16 Senate 
Davina DuerrD11House 
Jeremie DufaultR152House 
Mary DyeR91House 
Andrew EngellR71HouseX
Debra EntenmanD471House 
Carolyn EslickR392House 
Darya FarivarD462House 
Jake FeyD272House 
Joe FitzgibbonD342House 
Phil FortunatoR31 Senate 
Mary FosseD382House 
Noel FrameD36 Senate 
Chris GildonR25 Senate 
Keith GoehnerR12 Senate 
Roger GoodmanD451House 
Jenny GrahamR62House 
Mia GregersonD332House 
Dan GriffeyR351House 
David HackneyD111House 
Drew HansenD23 Senate 
Paul HarrisR17 Senate 
Bob HasegawaD11 Senate 
Natasha HillD31House 
Jeff HolyR6 Senate 
Victoria HuntD51House 
Cyndy JacobsenR252House 
Laurie JinkinsD271House 
Claudia KauffmanD47 Senate 
Michael KeatonR251House 
Curtis KingR14 Senate 
Mark KlickerR161House 
Shelley KlobaD12House 
Deborah KrishnadasanD26 Senate 
Mari LeavittD281House 
Debra LekanoffD401House 
John LeyR182HouseX
Marko LiiasD21 Senate 
Liz LovelettD40 Senate 
John LovickD44 Senate 
Sam LowR391House 
Drew MacEwenR35 Senate 
Nicole MacriD431House 
Deb ManjarrezR142House 
Matt MarshallR22House 
Stephanie McClintockR181HouseX
Jim McCuneR2 Senate 
Joel McEntireR192House 
Sharlett MenaD292House 
Gloria MendozaR141House 
Melanie MorganD291House 
Ron MuzzallR10 Senate 
Greg NanceD232House 
T’wina NoblesD28 Senate 
Edwin ObrasD331House 
Ed OrcuttR202House 
Timm OrmsbyD32House 
Lillian Ortiz-SelfD212House 
Tina OrwallD33 Senate 
Lisa ParshleyD222House 
Dave PaulD102House 
Jamie PedersenD43 Senate 
Joshua PennerR312House 
Strom PetersonD211House 
Gerry PolletD461House 
Alex RamelD402House 
Bill RamosD5 Senate 
Julia ReedD361House 
Kristine ReevesD302House 
Marcus RiccelliD3 Senate 
Adison RichardsD261House 
June RobinsonD38 Senate 
Skyler RudeR162House 
Alicia RuleD421House 
Cindy RyuD321House 
Osman SalahuddinD481House 
Rebecca SaldañaD37 Senate 
Jesse SalomonD32 Senate 
Sharon Tomiko SantosD371House 
Joe SchmickR92House 
Suzanne SchmidtR41House 
Mark SchoeslerR9 Senate 
Shaun ScottD432House 
Clyde ShaversD101House 
Sharon ShewmakeD42 Senate 
Shelly ShortR7 SenateX
Tarra SimmonsD231House 
Vandana SlatterD48 Senate 
Larry SpringerD452House 
Derek StanfordD1 Senate 
Chris StearnsD472House 
Mike SteeleR122House 
Drew StokesbaryR311House 
Monica Jurado StonierD492House 
Chipalo StreetD372House 
David StuebeR172HouseX
Jamila TaylorD301House 
My-Linh ThaiD412House 
Steve TharingerD242House 
Brianna ThomasD341House 
Joe TimmonsD422House 
Nikki TorresR15 Senate 
Yasmin TrudeauD27 Senate 
Javier ValdezD46 Senate 
Mike VolzR61House 
Keith WagonerR39 Senate 
Amy WalenD482House 
Jim WalshR191HouseX
Judy WarnickR13 Senate 
Kevin WatersR171House 
Lisa WellmanD41 Senate 
Claire WilsonD30 Senate 
Jeff WilsonR19 Senate 
Sharon WylieD491House 
Alex YbarraR132House 
Janice ZahnD411House