2025 Prayer Tour at the Capitol: 105 Days to Choose From

Are you ready to defend and advance biblical values in the public square? Washington’s 2025 Legislative Session will begin on Monday, January 13, 2025, and consist of 105 days of frantic negotiating, with the last day of the session scheduled for Sunday, April 27.

Our desire is for the church and FPIW Defenders to become Olympia’s “front line” of defense against any bills, ideas, or initiatives that are contrary to God’s plan for our state. During the session, Monday through Friday, our goal is to recruit at least one church or group of Defenders to be present in Olympia praying over that legislative day. There is power in physical, in-person, face-to-face presence, and we wish to support our legislative allies voting on bills. 

We also are asking FPIW Defender Churches to pick a day to pray over the legislative session. We know not everyone can travel to Olympia to physically pray at the Capitol, and so other churches can engage the process from afar by praying that God would move in the political process.

After all, we know that “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Ephesians 6:12). There is no more effective weapon against these evil forces than a church engaged in corporate prayer. 

There are 105 days for your church to choose from to pray over the legislative session or visit the Capitol and go on a prayer walk, led by FPIW’s Director of Pastoral Relations, Ken Ramey. Click here to view the calendar and adopt a day of prayer! For more information on how churches can engage, here are some free booklets:


We know that God is moving in our state and has bright plans for Washington’s future. We hope you’ll take advantage of this opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus and pray over our elected officials and the flourishment of our state.

  • Want to Change Our Culture? 500,000 DEFENDER Prayer Warriors Are Needed. 
  • Want to be Heard in Olympia? 200,000 DEFENDER Activists for Political Power Are Needed.
  • Want to Change Washington’s Laws? 450,000 DEFENDER Signers of Initiatives & Referendums Are Needed. 
  • Want Lasting Change? 1.7 Million DEFENDER Voters for Conservative Candidates Are Needed. 

Join us! Please sign up to become a DEFENDER today.