3 Ways to Help Defund Planned Parenthood

In the last two weeks, Center for Medical Progress released two videos online showing Planned Parenthood staff members discussing the sale of body parts from aborted babies. The videos were filmed undercover and have since received over 3 million views (combined views for both videos). The videos include Planned Parenthood Uses Partial-Birth Abortions to Sell Baby Parts (click here to watch the unedited version) and Second Planned Parenthood Senior Executive Haggles Over Baby Parts Prices, Changes Abortion Method (click here to watch the unedited version).

Since being released, these videos have ignited a national debate about the taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood. In response to the videos, some states have defunded Planned Parenthood and others have launched investigations into Planned Parenthood. Washington State is not one of them.

Here are three things you can do to help the effort to stop public funding of Planned Parenthood:

1.  Attend a rally Tuesday the 28th to defund Planned Parenthood

A series of “Women Betrayed Rallies” are being formed across the nation in order to send a very loud and clear message to lawmakers, both on a state and federal level, that we do not want our tax dollars to fund Planned Parenthood. In Washington State, Women Betrayed Rallies will be held this TUESDAY, JULY 28, at the following locations and times:

Planned Parenthood Office
2001 E Madison St, Seattle, WA 98122
Contact: [email protected]

Esther Short Park
Downtown Vancouver
Contact: [email protected]

Use these flyers to invite pro-life friends and family to attend the rally with you (Seattle rally & Vancouver rally).

2.  Ask your legislators not to send tax dollars to Planned Parenthood

To date, only seven Washington State Lawmakers have called upon Washington State Governor Jay Inslee to pull funding from Planned Parenthood. Is your legislator one of the seven who has made that call? If so, thank each for their efforts to end Planned Parenthood funding in Washington State.

Please also call, email, or visit your state legislators who aren’t among these seven, and ask them to join their colleagues in compelling Governor Inslee to investigate and defund Planned Parenthood (if you need talking points, click here). Please contact [email protected] if you need assistance with reaching out to your legislators.

3.  Tell Governor Inslee to stop public funding of Planned Parenthood

It’s true that Governor Inslee has been a strong ally of the abortion industry.  But a flood of messages from citizens respectfully asking him to stop sending their money to organizations that harvest the organs of babies will touch the conscience if nothing else.  Remember, if they don’t hear from you, they think you don’t care.  So call the Governor’s Office at 360-902-4111 or send him a message here.

But only call if you can be respectful.  Otherwise, we hurt the effort by creating more hostility.  When it comes to life, this is one area in which love really does win.