And We Begin! Progress in 2025 — A Letter from Brad Payne, President of FPIW Action

To Our FPIW Defenders:

Greetings from Olympia! Many of my friends and family members cap the new year with a specific, inspirational ‘word’ or ‘phrase’. ‘Progress’ is the word that came to my mind for 2025. The word applies to so many categories.

There is dramatic progress being made in Washington, D.C. as President Donald J. Trump and his new leadership appointments have hit the ground running. His Executive Orders are returning common sense – and, in some cases, a biblical worldview – to the halls of our federal government. Two genders, secure borders, no men in women’s sports . . . Good progress indeed!

Closer to home, Washington also has a new leader. Governor Bob Ferguson has replaced Governor Jay Inslee after twelve long years. “Actions speak louder than words,” and I admit that I am somewhat skeptical of what I heard during the Governor’s Inaugural Address but to even have a governor that speaks of budget cuts, controlled spending, and significant increases in law enforcement hirings is certainly progress.

At FPIW, progress is also in the air. We recently released our brand new Washington Defender app. This app has many great features that are a first of its kind, including the ability to register your positions on bills of interest in Olympia. With a simple click of a button on your phone you can now let legislators know whether you oppose or support a particular piece of legislation without delay.

Of course, for those of you who are, perhaps, not so hip 😀, you can still respond to our daily Action Alerts on our FPIW Action website. It is not so important to me whether you register your position on your phone or on your computer, but that you register daily, week after week, until Session comes to an end. And please encourage your family members, friends, fellow church members and co-workers to follow your lead. If you feel led, you also have the option to provide written testimony, testify remotely or testify in person at the Capitol in Olympia.

Finally, join us in Olympia for our daily Prayer Tour (see picture). Legislators also have joined us. We believe in the power of corporate prayer, and we will stand up for biblical values in the public square.

Thank you, in advance, for engaging in the political process. Engaging in government is an important part of your faith walk. Jesus tells us that the government shall be “on His shoulders”; however, we are His hands and feet in this realm and we are called to promote a biblical worldview in all aspects of our lives . . . including government.

I look forward to walking out our faith together in the coming weeks and months as the Legislative Session ‘progresses’. There’s that word again . . .


Brad Payne, President
FPIW Action

Sponsored by: FPIW Action • PO Box 5298 Lynnwood, WA 98046-5298 • 425-608-0242