Biden claims women need abortion

While celebrating International Women’s Day last week, President Joe Biden suggested that women need abortion in order to live up to their full potential.

“Every person deserves the chance to live up to their full God-given potential, without regard for gender or other factors,” said Biden. “Yet too often, in too many places, women and girls face obstacles that limit their possibilities and undermine their participation in economic, political, and social life.”

Biden noted that he plans to launch “a whole-of-government effort to protect reproductive rights” as part of his efforts to “ma[ke] gender equity a cornerstone of [his] Administration.”

Biden’s statements are at best, only heretical to his Catholic beliefs, and at worst, demonic and deadly. It’s incredibly demeaning and insulting to women to insinuate that they cannot both be mothers and reach their full potential. It’s also a grave offense against God, who intentionally designed women to care and raise children, and to also do so much more.

His statement undermines the reality that motherhood is one of the most incredible achievements. In fact, for many women, motherhood is a large part of reaching their full potential, as fatherhood is for men. Children are a Divine gift that provide life-long joy and fulfillment, besides sustaining any civilization.

The diabolical lie that women need an abortion comes straight from the Devil. He hates the family, because it is a sacred institution created by God and it is a place, that we encounter Christ daily. The enemy will do everything in His power to destroy family. Through our culture, He manipulates women (and men), and convinces them that the only way out of a difficult situation is to kill their children. As a result, women have been indoctrinated (in schools, business, media, and culture) to feel they have no other choice and that they must “choose” abortion out of desperation.

Biden’s claim that abortion will help women achieve their goals only perpetuates this harmful mindset. Further, women who undergo abortions often live with crippling pain and regret. They need to know that there is help and support available for them, that abortion is never the only option, and children are not a burden, but a gift. 

Psalm 139:13 says, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” From the very beginning, every child is connected to his or her mother. Every instance of motherhood is designed by God with purpose and intention. In His infinite wisdom, God chose women to be the avenue through which He creates life. This is an honorable and incomparable role that our culture, and President, have trivialized through their evil obsession with abortion.

FPIW believes that a return to Christian faith and a return to marriage and family are the only things that will save our state and nation. We need to pass bills that teach and help Washingtonians to recognize the beauty of motherhood and God’s design.

Nothing was more beautiful and joyful to me than what I experienced one cold wintery day in North Dakota long ago. Seeing Meschell holding our first child Elizabeth in her arms and seeing her embrace motherhood for the first time was unforgettable. This week it will be 40 years for us, and Meschell hasn’t stopped being a beautiful and loving mother. I love her and all my children so much!

Biden and all those who want to kill motherhood and babies will destroy our nation. This is one of the many reasons we are launching a project to expand our regional centers from one to 8 locations. These new centers will allow us to work with pastors to spread the Gospel centered approach to motherhood and families to more areas and to transform our state with the teachings of Jesus Christ. True freedom, and salvation, can only be achieved if mothers and babies are seen as public good by our culture and our governments, rather than as an intolerable burden.

Biden’s abortion-centric approach leads to destruction. The best way to combat evil and our culture of death is with the light and hope of Christ. Please pray for the transformation of hearts and minds in Washington, so that motherhood is revered as the beautiful gift that it is and women can reach their full potential by raising Godly children.