One of FPIW’s chief priorities at the present time is calling upon Christians in Washington State to step up and run for public office, or to be involved in the greatest moral debates in our nation’s history. Whether that office be local and non-partisan or national and hyper-partisan, we have a responsibility to steward God’s authority on the earth and to teach and implement the teachings of Jesus Christ. That means we need to find faithful and courageous people who are serious about serving and are willing to make the sacrifices needed to run for office.
We were excited to learn recently that Matt Larkin, a former candidate for Attorney General, has stepped up to run against the Kim Shrier, a Pelosi-backed incumbent who barely won re-election in this relatively conservative district in Central Washington. Matt received a majority of votes in the 8th District when he ran for Attorney General in 2020 – by garnering more than 51% of the votes.
Not only is he a Christian, but Matt is also an attorney, and business owner, and former prosecutor who worked for President George W. Bush. As a lifelong Washingtonian, Matt and his wife Shelly are raising four kids here.
You might be saying, “I don’t live in Central Washington, so why should I care?”
You should care for several reasons:
First, Matt Larkin is a Christian candidate who has been open an honest about the fact that faith plays a role in his life. Though his experience as a prosecutor puts him in a position to focus on law enforcement issues, Matt is unashamedly pro-life, pro-family, and pro-freedom. Any time a true, brave Christian steps up to run, we should think about supporting them!
Second, this district is one of several districts around the country that Christians need to win in order to oust Nancy Pelosi and other pagan radicals from leadership of the U.S. Congress. And the data shows that, with a good, Christian candidate, we can!
Washington’s 8th District includes Cle Elum, Ellensburg, Leavenworth, Enumclaw, Maple Valley, and parts of Wenatchee, Sammamish, Bellevue, and Issaquah, among others. Click here to see the map and find out if you’ll be able to vote in this election.
At this point, no other candidates have announced an entrance into this race. FPIW does not endorse candidates, but FPIW Action will review all candidates and make recommendations prior to the primary. If you want to learn more about Matt and what he stands for, please click here.
If you are a faithful and courageous Christian, or an individual of goodwill of any faith who feels led to run for elected office as a legislator, local office, or Precinct Committee Officer (the entry level position in elected office) – in either the Democratic or Republican Party – please respond to this message. Let’s start a conversation about Christian public policy and where you might be best suited to serve.
We are honored to walk alongside any candidate who wishes to represent Christian values and provide you with insight and education in your quest for public office.
Thank you for your support of FPIW and our efforts to install faithful Christian leaders in Washington State!
By Mark Miloscia|June 23rd, 2021|Miscellaneous|0 Comments