COVID-19 Has Morphed Into a Battle Over Abortion in the U.S.

As many states, including Washington, are fighting to “flatten the curve” and many companies are voluntarily repurposing themselves to provide personal protective equipment, which is still in short supply, a secondary battle has erupted.

Hint: it involves abortion clinics using the crisis to gain an advantage.

Nearly every state in the United States has issued an order temporarily halting elective medical and dental procedures – taking the moral position that those on the frontlines fighting COVID-19 should have access to equipment designed to protect them from illness before anyone else should have access to it.

And nearly every clinic in the nation has complied with those orders – except for abortion clinics, who have used this health crisis as an opportunity to prove to the world that they should be allowed to continue operating because they are “essential” (despite the fact that more than 98% percent of abortions are not medically necessary).

Several clinics have already run into courts to find sympathetic leftist judges who will let them keep the doors open, despite creating huge problems for hospitals and clinics looking for personal protective equipment, and emergency rooms who are already overburdened with patients.

Now, we’re seeing a group of leftist attorneys general working to use the COVID-19 distancing mandates as a way to push remote abortions through the states’ existing telemedicine channels. Remote abortions are extremely dangerous because they involve a patient consuming dangerous substances to induce an abortion away from direct supervision of a physician.

Current estimates from the Washington Department of Health show that 9,097 people have tested positive for COVID-19 in our state, and 421 have passed away because of it.

If this health crisis really is as serious as we’re being led to believe – and we believe it is – then we have a moral obligation, as a state, to do everything in our power to curb the spread – including halting elective abortions which use vital equipment and inherently violate social distancing requirements.

The personal protective equipment that has been used to take lives at abortion clinics in Washington could have been used to save one of the 372 Washingtonians who have passed away due to COVID-19.

We simply do not understand why elective, medically-unnecessary abortions have been given such a high priority in the middle of this health crisis. Washington is governed primarily by people who support abortion, but that doesn’t mean that we cannot ask those governing to objectively pause elective abortion procedures in order to focus energy and materials on stopping COVID-19 first.

Governor Inslee has publicly defending abortions – before and during his campaign, and since.

We know that God “knits us together in the womb” (Psalm 139:13), and that “those who bless others will be blessed, and those who help others will be helped” (Proverbs 11:25). It’s time for us to help those who are fighting on the frontlines of COVID-19, to bless them with the resources they need to stay safe, and to halt efforts to flippantly destroy what precious life God is creating in the womb to replace the life we have lost.

We encourage Washingtonians who are interested in learning why abortion clinics are being allowed to openly violate the order to halt elective procedures to contact your local Health Department or District.

You may also contact Attorney General Bob Ferguson’s office and let him know that you would like to see him issue an opinion halting these unlawful procedures, and that you do not support abortion clinics operating in competition with those fighting COVID-19.