Giving Thanks for FPIW Wins in 2024

“In consideration of the many undeserved Blessings conferred upon us by GOD, the Father of all Mercies; it becomes us not only in our private and usual devotion, to express our obligations to Him, as well as our dependence upon Him; but also specially to set a part a Day to be employed for this great and important Purpose.”

–John Hancock’s Thanksgiving Proclamation, October 5, 1791

Every Thanksgiving, we take time to reflect on the past year and thank God for all of the “wins” He enabled us to accomplish through the faithful support of our friends, donors, and incredible staff. This year, and every year, we have much to be thankful for. Here is a sample below of FPIW’s “wins,” and you can see the full listing here: “51 Wins in 2024.”

One of our greatest accomplishments this year was beginning the development of a groundbreaking new app to unite, educate, and activate FPIW Defenders all across the state. The platform will facilitate the formation, interaction, and empowerment of multiple strategic partners based on specific interests within the conservative movement. This was a $250,000 investment that was made possible by your faithful giving. We look forward to bringing this project to fruition in 2025.

This year, FPIW and FPIW Action created more than 200 personal connections to educate and mentor pastors in confidential relationships, guiding them toward or reinforcing their commitment to proper biblical stewardship in the public square.

FPIW interviewed over 110 Republican, Democrat, and Independent candidates during the 2024 Primary and General Election to educate Washington voters. We believe this helped countless voters make informed decisions about who and what they were supporting when they cast their ballot.

This year, FPIW published several new educational booklets that we believe will inform and equip conservatives in Washington to live out the Gospel truth in the public square and help bring revival to our state. Collectively, our booklets received over 71,000 views online in 2024, with over 53,000 unique readers.

We also began several effective initiatives to propel conservative Christians to vote, developed a county-by-county strategic plan for stewardship, created a Prayer Tour for the upcoming legislative session to engage churches and Christians in the political process, and signed on more than 30 Strategic Partners to help us accomplish our long-term goals. It has been a busy but incredibly fruitful year.

Thank you so much for your generosity and continued support. Family Policy Institute of Washington could not be influential without you. We are making a huge difference in our state. The outcomes are still coming, but we are overturning the soil daily, planting new seeds, and watering our fields. The harvest of our work will be coming in very soon.

From everyone at FPIW, we wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!