Don’t you get the sense that we’re living in historic times?

Our state and the wider culture are in the midst of a debate that will dictate our direction for generations to come.

I see two big questions at stake:

  1. Will strong families be at the core of our society and its economy, or a will it be a large government?
  2. Will we maintain our individual freedoms?

When put in the context of the struggles to protect life, marriage, family, religious freedom, and parental rights you really begin to see why 2015 is such a pivotal year.

The Family Policy Institute of Washington’s work throughout the last 7 years puts us in a key position to not just fight for the causes of family and freedom, but to win.

In America, the older generation always had hope that future generations will fare even better in life than they did growing up. Yet Pew Polls show that nearly two-thirds of Americans don’t believe this in our nation today.

That’s why our focus going forward is to reclaim hope for our culture.

By the power of one we can overcome. One voter, one father, one mayor, one governor, one pastor, one co-worker, one local leader– stepping forward and standing firm. Each of us must have the resolve to be in the game for the long run.

Even if we are the only one standing we will be standing for what is right, true and beautiful. That is the essence of moral leadership is; doing the right thing regardless of how popular it is at the moment.

Our vision to shape the culture starts with seeking God’s guidance and provision, having a bold vision and a passionate commitment to foundational principles. When you apply demonstrated success and “know-how,” you almost have a complete recipe for success.

All that is needed is the financial support to get the job done. We need your help, and your year-end contributions to help us reclaim hope for our state specifically and for our country at large. Together, we can ensure that families are protected, and freedom is sustained.

Help today by making your secure online donation.

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