As reported last week by Jason Rantz, King County has declared that this Christmas season, the county is so “committed to honoring the diversity in its workforce and is fortunate to have employees from many diverse backgrounds” that regardless of that background, all county staff may not openly celebrate the holidays of their faith.
This speaks to the paradox the left continues to create for itself. If a business or county does not permit its employees to show the fact that they hold varying sets of beliefs, they are not actually concerned with diversity – they are mandating conformity.
The slogan “Diversity is our Strength” is over-used, but has some redeeming values. Different people approach problems differently, which allows for creative solutions. People have different lived experiences that prepare them for different sorts of challenges. Hiring employees with a diverse skill set is essential to a business. Diversity of approach can set you apart from the competition.
They want diversity without differences; an employee-base which acts, thinks, and believes alike, but has different skin tones. What is the value of diversity if none of the differences that make us individuals can be shown?
Stopping Christians from wearing a cross or displaying a crucifix makes no one “safe” from supposed “offensive” views. Stopping Jews from wearing the Star of David or displaying a menorah helps no one. This totalitarianism is antithetical to the type of government that the Founding Fathers instituted – one that respects natural, God-given rights, like freedom of religion.
Christians are warned of the persecution we will face for our faith, but we are also encouraged:
“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” (2 Corinthians 4:16-18)
People of faith are being suppressed by King County. Whether Christian or Jew, Muslim or Sikh, in America we allow people to practice their religions openly, without fear of government reprisal. At least, we used to. Perhaps a coalition is possible here – “King County Employees of Faith” has a nice ring to it. After all, we know the county prizes diversity. Perhaps if pushed back on by representatives of a variety of faiths, the county will back down.
It’s time for Christians to speak up, and stand for our faith even when there are consequences. We do not hide our light under a bushel. We hold it up, so the world can see the light of Jesus, even when reflected in imperfect vessels like us.