Loving Thy Neighbor: Christians are Called to Vote

Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers;
and it is the duty—as well as the privilege and interest—of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.

—John Jay, the first U.S. Supreme Court Justice

report by My Faith Votes found that there are approximately 25 million Christians in America who do not vote on a consistent basis. This is not cause for discouragement, but cause for great hope. 

If self-professed followers of Christ voted, they would have the power to single-handedly change the course of our nation,” Daily Citizen reports.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of believing Christians are outnumbered in modern society. But the truth is, conservatives are not outnumbered – many would call those with traditional views “The Silent Majority.” Sadly, many conservatives who are on the fence about voting have been swayed by the “vocal minority” of far-Left activists who portray America as too far gone for Christians to save. This thought process discourages conservatives from ever making it to the voting booth because they believe it will not make a difference. That could not be further from the truth.

Christian conservatives have what it takes to redeem America from the scourge of sin that has overtaken society. Here in Washington State, you can see the actual statistics in our FPIW booklet Strategic Plan. If conservative Christians voted at higher rates, this state would see a profound shift in government.

Electing political figures in November who value faith, family, and freedom as we do here at FPIW may be as simple as energizing the Christians who already hold those values but rarely make it to the voting booth. 

“We’ve been blessed with an opportunity to elect our representatives. The founders of this nation gave us a gift,”  President and CEO of Christians Engaged Bunni Pounds shared. “At a minimum, every Christian should be loving their neighbor enough to elect righteous leaders.” 

At FPIW, we believe voting is an act of stewardship to which we are morally obligated as Christians. To read more about why Christians are called to vote, and how they can do so in a manner that honors God, please read our informational booklets that discuss these topics in depth: Why Vote?, Vote the Bible, and Just Preach the Gospel?

“All citizens who are old enough to vote have a responsibility before God to know what God expects of civil government and what kind of moral and legal standards he wants government to follow,” Christian theologian Wayne Grudem explains. “Every Christian citizen who lives in a democracy has at the very least a minimal obligation to be well-informed and to vote for candidates and policies that are most consistent with biblical principles. The opportunity to help select the kind of government we will have is a stewardship that God entrusts to citizens in a democracy, a stewardship that we should not neglect or fail to appreciate.”

If you have been looking for a way to become more involved in politics, here is your opportunity: ensure your friends, family, and church members are registered to vote, provide them with reliable, biblically-based resources they can use to research candidates and discern who to vote for, and on November 5th, text and call them to ensure they are making it to the polls

In addition to these practical actions, we encourage you to join our team of DEFENDERS, who are mobilizing the conservative force in Washington to take back our state for Christ!

  • Want to Change Our Culture? 500,000 DEFENDER Prayer Warriors Are Needed. 
  • Want to be Heard in Olympia? 200,000 DEFENDER Activists for Political Power Are Needed.
  • Want to Change Washington’s Laws? 450,000 DEFENDER Signers of Initiatives & Referendums Are Needed. 
  • Want Lasting Change? 1.7 Million DEFENDER Voters for Conservative Candidates Are Needed. 

Join us! Please sign up to become a DEFENDER today.