‘Mommy, What’s Abortion?’: The Powerful Effect of Life Chain

On Sunday October 6, 2019, Pastor Noel Muscutt lead a Life Chain for the first time in 30 years within the city limits of Port Townsend, Washington. Pictured below, several participants, representing churches across the North Olympic Peninsula, unite to form a LIfe Chain along Water Street, in heart of the city.
“Mommy, what’s abortion?” This is just one of the many questions asked on the first Sunday of October (or, alternately, the last Sunday of October) when over one million people create a Life Chain along the streets of cities and towns throughout the United States and Canada. The sole purpose of this united stance is to voice the truth about abortion and to bring awareness to the plight of so many women and men and their pre-born children as they find themselves facing the issue of abortion.
With one third of all pregnancies ending in abortion, the issue is as germane as ever: “Is abortion an acceptable form of birth control?” For those involved in Life Chain, the obvious answer is no. The issue transcends a woman’s right to abort a fetus. That’s only one side of the equation. What about the right of another person to live?
Because it is out of sight and, therefore, out of mind, one key player is seldom considered, namely, the little human whose life will be terminated through the abortion. It doesn’t matter how the abortion is performed, whether it be the forcing of the baby to inhale a salt solution until poisoned or whether it be torn apart through the violent dismemberment of an abortionists tools, the baby’s choice in the matter is rarely considered.
Often the issue is considered a political matter and, on this basis, many will shy away from becoming involved. Christians, in particular, will make this argument claiming that the issue is a political one and they should not be involved because of the “separation of church and state” or, perhaps, because “Christianity concerns itself more with matters of faith.” However, while the issue is often played out in the political arena, it is far from being only a political issue. The issue is, without question, a moral issue and one that finds its starting point in the preservation of God’s image and His glory.
Unfortunately, many pastors and Christians who are called to bring glory to their God and Savior will shy away from an event like Life Chain offering the explanation of not being involved in things political. Yet, the Bible makes it clear that that nowhere is God’s own imprint seen more than on human beings who were created in His image. God’s original mandate to spread throughout the earth and multiply is nothing less than a mandate for humans to represent His image to all of creation and this starts at the moment a baby is conceived.
Sadly, many Christians who believe one thing and yet fail to speak out about it have separated and isolated themselves from this witness and declaration. They are also falling short of following the command of Jesus to be salt and light in the world they live in. If Christians are not willing to speak out publicly against the slaughter of innocent children, the question might be asked as to what they are willing to stand for when it comes to matters of their faith and God’s glory.
Of course, while the majority of those who are Pro-Life and who line the streets for Life Chain may be Christian, this is not just a matter of morality that is unique to Christians. Surely most in society would agree that it is unacceptable to kill a child. There will be many who are from various faith groups, as well as many who claim no faith at all, who take the stand simply because murder is wrong. Regardless of who is forming the Life Chain, the hope is the same. Namely, the sparking discussion of an issue that has too long been suppressed or accepted.
The signs and brave witness of those who show up for Life Chain will undoubtedly have the effect of changing the life of some small girl or boy who might one day otherwise kill their own baby without realizing what they’ve done. Or, it may save a life today.
The real question isn’t about whether or not it’s acceptable to kill a child. We all know the obvious answer to that. The real question is, “Why would someone who cares not be at Life Chain?”
FPIW is Washington’s only state-wide Christian Voice for Life, Marriage and Family, Parental Rights, Religious Liberties, and Christian Social Justice. Partnering with churches and other allied groups, FPIW seeks to prepare Christians to make their voice heard in the public square to influence legislation and policy across the state.