Pagans Shove “Equality Act” Over First Hurdle

Last night, the pagans and radicals who make decisions on behalf of the Democratic Party finally achieved something they had never done before: they passed legislation that promotes sexual transition therapies and surgeries for children AND promotes gender dysphoria, a serious mental illness, to children. This is child abuse and must be condemned in the strongest terms.

Let me repeat that: the Congress of the United States of America, a historically Judeo-Christian nation, passed a bill that promotes and celebrates the permanent alteration of an otherwise healthy child’s body. And they did so at the expense of religious liberty, free speech, and decency.

America’s founders aren’t just turning in their graves.

Nancy Pelosi’s Democratic Caucus in the U.S. Congress voted to pass the bill along party lines, with the exception of three liberal Republicans from New York and Pennsylvania who were convinced that God’s design for humanity was not worthy of protection.

This wasn’t the only unbelievable promotion for transgenderism seen this week in D.C.  Washington Senator Patty Murray also got in on the action, chastising Senator Rand Paul, a medical doctor, for suggesting that it was unconscionable that our nation’s top health agency would condone, assist, and celebrate a three year-old’s gender transition. His “hurtful” questions, according to Murray, were inappropriate.

This is a prime example of the cancel culture: act as though a perfectly legitimate point was offensive. And look how the media covered it. In fact, it’s the Democrats who need to explain why they are abusing and mutilating children, resulting in grave mental and physical damage to them for the rest of their life.

But, I digress.

The “Equality Act” is a horrific bill, and it’s disappointing to watch it make any progress. Nancy Pelosi, whose own district is downtown San Francisco – one of the most LGBT-heavy districts in America – has aimed for years to appease the most radical thinkers with legislation that would punish Americans who speak out in support of natural marriage, the nuclear family, or against transgender surgeries and hormone infusions for adults and children.

So, what’s next for the “Equality Act”?

The legislation now heads to the U.S. Senate, where more intense opposition is expected. With the chamber split 50-50, passage is anything but guaranteed. Washington’s two U.S. Senators, Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell, are known to support this effort, but we still encourage you to call them and let them know that you prefer religious liberty and free speech – not radical social experimentation at our children’s expense.

Call Senator Patty Murray: (202) 224-2621
Call Senator Maria Cantwell: (202) 224-3441

I cannot overstate the seriousness of this legislation and what it means for Christians, churches, pastors, ministries, businesses, religious schools, and more. This horrible, horrific piece of legislation, if passed, would fundamentally change what Americans are allowed to do and say. It is as much a threat to your free speech as it is an assault on God’s design for humanity. It must be defeated.

We are closely monitoring a number of very concerning situations in Washington, D.C. and Olympia and will keep you updated as things progress. If you feel led, please click here to make an investment in our culture-preserving work.