Over 20,000 people flocked to witness a revival at Asbury University after students refused to leave a chapel service and continued to pray and worship 24/7 for two weeks straight. It inspired similar revival meetings at other college campuses across the nation – from Samford University in Alabama, Cedarville University in Ohio, Lee and Belmont Universities in Tennessee, and Baylor University in Texas.
Although Asbury University was forced to end their revival meetings after two weeks due to logistical issues on the campus and in the surrounding town, the spirit of revival is still moving in America. College students are hungry for an answer to the darkness they see in the world. They are hungry for a move of God and redemption in their lives. Many of the world’s greatest revivals began with the younger generation seeking Jesus in such an eager manner that it lit a flame in their communities, such as Wales in the early 1900s.
“Whether you call this a revival, a renewal, an awakening or an outpouring, what we have experienced on our campus these last few weeks is unlike anything I’ve ever seen in my life,” Asbury President Kevin J. Brown said.
These revivals are not an isolated move of God that can happen once per decade or century – the Lord desires for his children to draw near and remain steadfast in seeking a work of his Spirit. With diligent prayer and an open heart seeking the Kingdom of God, Washington too could see a revival of the Lord that extends beyond our churches and into every facet of the state.
Thank you for partnering with FPIW as we seek to bring the gospel and Christ-centered ministry to our neighbors across the state and in Olympia!