Seattle Police’s Cancellation of Faith Comes at the Wrong Time

Several weeks ago, a news story came and went that got far less attention than it really deserved. Seattle Police Chief Adrian Diaz, who had extended an internal invitation to his staff to attend a free police appreciation dinner, caved to the woke mob and rescinded the invitation to his staff.

Why? Because the dinner speaker was Franklin Graham, son of the famed evangelist Billy Graham (the emphasis, in bold, below, is mine):

“An internal email was shared this week informing SPD employees of a free appreciation dinner hosted by the Rev. Franklin Graham. Based on Graham’s history and affiliations, the email has raised concerns that the SPD may not be committed to the equity of our community’s LGBTQ members. I want to make clear the Department fully supports the equity and just treatment of all people. The SPD did not sponsor this event and is not connected in any way to its hosts. Today I sent a department-wide email to rescind the invitation because its hosts do not share the inclusive values of the SPD.”

What Chief Diaz is really saying here is that SPD and the City of Seattle (and by extension, the Council and Mayor), in the midst of the worst violence, homelessness, addiction, and crime in city history, is rejecting ministry and appreciation for its police officers because the person leading the ministry and appreciation holds Christians views on marriage that upset the woke, pagan mob.

Talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth.

This isn’t the first -time leftists and Democrat elected officials have rejected critically needed assistance from Franklin Graham and his charities. Last year, in the midst of the highest numbers of COVID hospitalizations and deaths in New York, leaders and activists tried to shut down a Samaritans Purse Emergency Field Hospital – which would have been entirely paid for and operated by Samaritan’s Purse – for the same reasons: group leaders held Biblical views on marriage and sexuality.

In other words, they would rather people die than to allow Christians to care for the sick, poor, and elderly. This sounds exactly like what Satan wants…

This is also an illustration of how the anti-Christian “woke “cancel culture has permeated every part of society – particularly in areas run by radical Marxists and pagans. They hate Jesus Christ so much that they reject help from his followers during times of extreme desperation and emergency.

There should be nothing offensive or off-putting about a group of people asking God to protect and bless our law enforcement officers or volunteering their time to care for people who are in critical condition. What has this nation come to?

If your worldview is so narrow that you cannot accept help from Christians simply because you disagree with their beliefs, perhaps you should adjust your worldview to be more compassionate towards those who are sick, poor, or destitute.

The Family Policy Institute of Washington has launched a new initiative called the Christian Caucus, aimed at unifying all Christians in Washington State behind a Christian policy agenda – and, by extension, ending the discriminatory and hateful bigotry being done by the radicals, which now includes the Seattle Police Department leadership, who wish to push followers of Christ out of society and into silence.

We are looking for folks willing to stand up and identify as a Christian in the public square, and speak up for his teachings when it comes to public policy. If you want to join in this effort, please click here to make a contribution to support FPIW.