Seattle Storm Will Hold “Planned Parenthood Night” Tomorrow

When the Seattle Storm take on the Connecticut Sun tomorrow night at Key Arena, basketball won’t be the only activity on the agenda.

The Storm have declared tomorrow’s game “Planned Parenthood Night.” A rally in support of the notorious abortion corporation will be held before the game, and the basketball team will also donate $5 from the sale of each ticket and the proceeds from a silent auction to Planned Parenthood.

Auction items will include autographed and game-worn gear. In total, Planned Parenthood will likely bring in over $100,000 from the night’s events.

The rally begins at 5:15 p.m. The game, which will be nationally televised on ESPN2, will tipoff at 6:00 p.m.

This marks the first time a professional sports franchise has officially partnered with Planned Parenthood. Any attempt on the part of a professional sports franchise to intentionally associate with the abortion corporation is significant, but the Storm have gone above and beyond in their endorsement of the nation’s abortion provider.

The Storm released a PSA last week to raise awareness for “Planned Parenthood Night.” The PSA features some of the team’s basketball players declaring, “We stand with Planned Parenthood.”

In terms of timing, this move is unsurprising. Money might soon be in short supply for Planned Parenthood if Congress is able to pass legislation to defund them. Without government aid, Planned Parenthood will need corporate financial support to stay afloat.

The fact that the Storm are willing to ally with Planned Parenthood is bad news for preborn children. In North Carolina, the NBA and NCAA effectively held the state hostage over HB 2, the common sense state law that protected the privacy rights and safety of women and children in locker rooms, showers, and bathrooms. North Carolina legislators repealed the law earlier this year to appease the NCAA and keep college sports championships in the state.

If the Storm’s partnership proves profitable, other franchises in progressive areas will likely follow suit. Ownership groups around the country are watching Seattle intently to see what kind of response the Storm get from the community and what happens to the Storm’s brand as a result of their decision to partner with the abortionists at Planned Parenthood.

This is bigger than just Seattle. Pro-life supporters need to make sure every sports franchise in America understands that funding Planned Parenthood will result in damage to both their brand and bottom line.

There will be a pro-life presence outside the arena. To make a powerful statement on behalf of preborn children, pro-life people need to get involved. Email me at [email protected] for more information.

If you oppose the killing of preborn children in violent and bloody fashion and you’re able to attend this protest, please make every effort to join us tomorrow afternoon.

Corporations are teaming up to bail out the abortion industry. Without a response from the pro-life community, they will likely succeed. Don’t let that happen. Be outside the arena at 5 p.m. on July 18th to protest the Storm’s support for Planned Parenthood and bring your friends and family with you.

James Silberman is a guest contributor to the FPIW Blog. He is a pro-life activist from Gig Harbor, WA, and a student at Whitworth University.