Last Sunday, the 2021 Washington State Legislative Session officially ended, and we are – once again – left with fewer personal freedoms and protections, and much more destructive, deadly laws. By far, this is the most radical legislative session in our state’s history, and one can clearly see that the Seattle political complex and their pagan worldview now run our state. Legislation designed to enable the persecution and suppression of Christians and people of any traditional faith (Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, etc.), is now in place.
This historically bad session was enabled by a completely unnecessary quarantine on the State Capitol, by which legislators held an almost-entirely virtual session where the public and many of our elected officials and legislative staff were NOT allowed on campus, nor with each other.
In fact, they were literally fenced off from the public by Governor Inslee who overreacted to some protestors walking on the grass of his Mansion’s front lawn back in January. If he had applied this same “security” standard to the rampant homeless camping everywhere and rioters trashing buildings and occupying city blocks for months in Seattle, we might believe he was acting in good faith rather than use it to suppress public involvement.
Another precedent set during this legislative session was the even more stark division between the two parties. There are no moderate or conservative Democrats left in Olympia – none to moderate or temper the excess of the Seattle radicals. From votes on critical race theory, religious freedom, parental rights, expansion of abortion, to police conduct and tactics, drug possession response, and imposing new taxes, fees, and regulations, this session has shown us that the Democrat Party is now fully committed to a radical agenda that will destroy Christians and our country.
The Democratic Party is no longer close to being an ally or supporter of the most basic God-given and Constitutional rights that shaped the first two centuries of our country, whereas the Republican Party is still willing to stand up as a unified block most times for these basic rights.
As a result, we saw that most of the bills we were following this session were passed on party-line votes. This is sad in many respects because there does not seem to be much “middle ground” left in Olympia where one can govern responsibly. However, we now clearly see where each side stands – for better or worse.
The Big Wins
FPIW did win one important legislative battle this session when we, alongside a number of new Christian allies, helped to stop the expansion of assisted suicide (HB 1141), and the culture of death.
Another big win, too, was the awakening of like-minded conservative-leaning organizations, churches, and people of goodwill of many faiths, who have been getting involved in ways we haven’t seen in recent history. These new alliances are precisely what stopped the expansion of assisted suicide. These are helpful developments, especially as our state wrestles with the one-party rule that prefers to take away freedoms rather than protect them.
While we may have many challenges facing us, I believe we are more equipped to handle them and win victories in the coming years – if we do not quit, if we don’t faint, or lose heart. If we keep pressing on toward the Truth that Jesus Christ taught us, and pay no attention to distractions, then we will see a God-honoring change in Washington State and the United States.
Our nation and this state’s foundation were established by Christians and on clear Judeo-Christian principals. If we want to turn things around, then we must restore these principals in our homes, communities, state, and nation, by bolding proclaiming the teachings of Jesus Christ!
What You Can Do
The legislative session has drawn to a close, but you still have a limited window to share your thoughts with Governor Inslee’s office at (360) 902-4111 as he considers whether to sign or veto bills.
Tell him to veto the bills we oppose: SB 5140, SB 5229, SB 5228, SB 5237, SB 5030, SB 5052, SB 5151, SB 5194, SB 5227, SB5044, SB 5229, SB 5313, SB 5476, HB 1009, HB 1225, and HB 1426.
For further description of these bills, please read below:
SB 5140 – Protecting pregnancy and miscarriage-related patient care. This bill does NOT protect women needing emergency care during a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy; rather it forces religious hospitals into performing abortions under the threat of lawsuit.
SB 5229 – Concerning health equity continuing education for health care professionals. Requires the same type of Critical Race Theory training for health care workers. This bill may force healthcare workers to be a part of dangerous transgender therapies and surgeries against their will.
SB 5228 – Addressing disproportionate health outcomes by building a “foundation of equity” in medical training. This bill calls out “institutional racism” in our health institutions where there is none!
SB 5237 – Expanding accessible, affordable childcare and early child development programs. This bill will force Critical Race Theory ideologies upon our newborns through pre-school aged children. Day cares and early childhood facilities will be forced to follow the new state mandated training. Children and adults should be taught and encouraged to value people for their inherent value given to them by their Creator, not by the color of their skin.
SB 5030 – Creating a comprehensive School Counseling program. This bill creates the ability for school counselors to usurp parental rights in many areas by forcing WA State School Counselors to use national standards, which will promote many of the radical left’s most cherished values and gender, sex, anti-American, and racial ideologies. We must keep our own standards and allow for parental involvement and consent – otherwise counseling becomes indoctrination.
SB 5052 – Health Equity Zones. This bill will promote racial segregation within our health care system by forcing health care entities to focus program and infrastructure efforts on people because of their race.
SB 5151 – Concerning foster care licensing by the department of children, youth and families. This bill would force relatives who care for their relative’s children and receive funding for childcare to be registered, licensed, monitored, and trained by the State in the same fashion as foster care parents. Grandparents, aunts, and uncles should not need to be licensed!
SB 5194 – Providing for equity and access in the community and technical colleges. This bill will force community and technical colleges to accept students based on race and not aptitude. The whole idea behind the Civil Rights Act was to force institutions to NOT look on race, but on character and aptitude. SB 5194 forces us to go backwards by making colleges use racist selection criteria.
SB 5227 – Requiring diversity, equity, inclusion, and antiracism training and assessments at institutions of higher education. Again, turning colleges into racist indoctrination centers.
SB 5044 – Concerning Professional learning, equity, cultural competency and dismantling institutional racism in the K-12 public schools. Forces teachers & administrators to teach and pursue racists critical race theory in the classroom.
SB 5313 – Concerning health insurance discrimination. This bill mandates health care insurers to provide coverage for gender mutilation surgeries and gender changing treatment on minors and adults. Due to passage of legislation last year, parental notification/consent is not required.
SB 5476 – Addressing the Blake v. State decision. This bill makes drug possession a misdemeanor (for just two more years) instead of a felony, and treatment for drug possession becomes voluntary. In many ways, this bill will make it more difficult for communities and law enforcement to help people who are addicted to drugs get treatment and keep their neighbors safe.
HB 1009 – This bill adds mandatory abortion coverage to student health plans. We do not need to subject more people or force people to pay for the violence and devastation of abortion.
HB 1225 – Concerning school-based health centers. This bill would create an office and program within the Department of Health to install school-based health centers in public schools. When they passed this bill in California, 50 schools in LA invited Planned Parenthood to run the clinics. Of course, there are no local control or parental control safeguards, so this is one more reason to take one’s child out of the public schools.
HB 1426 – Specifying minimum continuing education requirements for administrator and teacher certificate renewals that focus on racists equity-based school and classroom practices.
As you can see, we are dealing with a state government with no regard for life, liberty, or limited government. FPIW’s role is to push back, to educate our state on the value of Judeo-Christian principles and morals, and to provide an alternative to the pagan, humanist-driven policies pursued by our current leaders. The Washington House and Senate will need to be rebalanced in the coming years, and FPIW is committed to working alongside you to make that happen.