Sex-Change Surgeries in Seattle: Children’s Hospital Ranks #4 in Nation

“On average 80% of children change their minds and do not continue into adulthood as transgender.”
— Transgender Trend

No knife can heal the psychological traumas found in transgenderism because the root issue of transgenderism is not in the body, but in the soul. Transgenderism “marks the extreme end of the homosexual spectrum,” notes Dr. Elizabeth Moberly, and is a desire for “gender dislocation.” In essence, she explains, it is caused by a lack of love that results in a lack of sexual maturity and in one’s core identity. Therapy should be directed at the psyche, rather than directing a surgical knife to change the body.

Sadly, such a view has not stopped the transgender agenda from advancing in our nation against children, and especially in Seattle.

Last week, the medical watchdog Do No Harm launched a database of 225 hospitals across the nation that provide sex-change surgeries, puberty blockers, and/or hormone therapies to children. The database revealed that over 6,000 children across the nation have undergone “gender-affirming care” operations since 2019, and over 8,500 have been given hormones and puberty blockers. Unfortunately, 330 of the sex-change procedures have taken place in two of Washington’s children’s hospitals, and over 700 other children were administered life-altering hormone and puberty-blocking treatments in those same hospitals. In fact, Seattle Children’s was ranked #4 on the “Dirty Dozen” list of the nation’s highest-offending hospitals when it comes to child transitions. 

“The database provides conclusive proof that these interventions are happening on children across the country, both hormonal interventions and surgeries,” External Relations Manager at Do No Harm Beth Serio explained. “We used bulletproof data from insurance claims databases to show that these procedures have been done on children. We only included data that we could stand behind 100%, based on [Do No Harm’s] analysis of insurance claims data. We cannot account for things such as cash or self-pay patients, or a couple of insurance companies who don’t report to these databases. As staggering as these numbers are, we’re pretty confident that there are even more children than have been impacted by these barbaric treatments.”

We are deeply saddened that our state has allowed medical professionals to push these untested, unsafe treatments onto confused children rather than offer them real solutions to their gender dysphoria through mental health treatments. No amount of body-altering medications or surgeries will solve the underlying issues that gender dysphoria stems from. 

Eleven studies have been conducted looking at whether gender dysphoria persists throughout childhood,” Transgender Trend reported. “On average 80% of children change their minds and do not continue into adulthood as transgender.” Children are not equipped to make long-term decisions about elective medical procedures, especially ones they will more than likely come to regret once their brain is fully developed. But that’s exactly what is happening in Washington state. Take a look at the overview below, provided by Do Not Harm’s database:

“It’s a common lie in the trans industry in America that these procedures are very highly reversible, that [there are] no long-term effects,” Serio continued. “We know that’s simply not the case, especially for children who are taking the hormones for a longer period of time. Some of them can have a sterilizing effect on children, especially when taken for a lengthy period of time.”

While this news is concerning, we know that the first step to combatting this issue and protecting children in our state is bringing to light the true extent of the problem and its repercussions. Awareness leads to activism, and activism leads to change. The Left can try to hide the evils of the transgender agenda from the public, but sooner or later the truth will come out, just like we witnessed with the Do No Harm report. After all, Luke 8:17 declares: “For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light.”

At FPIW, we care deeply about protecting sexual identity and the innocence of children, and our Issues Booklet can be found here. We need to protect our children and continue to expose this grave evil. If this is an issue you are passionate about, please consider joining our team of DEFENDERS to advocate for your values in the public square and beyond.

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