“So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him;
male and female He created them.”
– Genesis 1:27
It shouldn’t take a scientific study to show that men and women are inherently different in design – but in this day and age, Stanford University aims to do just that. A new study shows that men and women are fundamentally unique, from their heads to their toes. This unique difference supports a complementary view of the sexes — “different in design, but equal in value” — rather than a bland sameness view, as if we are “all the same” deep down and merely creatures with different external, surface body parts. In this study, modern science confirms what has been known for thousands of years about men and women, but modern culture aims to challenge.
“Our findings provide strong reproducible evidence for differences in how female and male brains are intrinsically organized,” the Stanford researchers write. “Our results provide the most compelling and generalizable evidence to date, refuting the continuum [or gender spectrum] hypothesis and firmly demonstrating sex differences in the functional organization of the human brain.” The researchers used “deep learning” and “spatiotemporal deep neural network” AI models to “uncover latent functional brain dynamics that distinguish male and female brains” by using a pool of 1,500 men and women aged 20-35.
A picture speaks a thousand words, and this should be the only one needed in any future discussions on the differences between genders:
This graph represents “fingerprints of resting brain activity,” which are wholly distinct between male and female brains – “there is no overlap whatsoever and very clear distinction.” Out of 1,500 individuals, not even one man or woman strayed from the brain activity of their biological gender.
“Our study provides compelling evidence for replicable and generalizable sex differences in the functional organization of the human brain,” the researchers found. “We identified replicable and generalizable brain features within the [various brain networks] that differentiate between sexes. Critically, these brain features predict unique patterns of cognitive profiles in females and males, demonstrating their behavioral significance.” (emphasis added)
And these recent findings solidify their own previous research that finds other innate biological differences in design:
The perennial truth remains: Men and women don’t just look different and have different body parts, they are different in their very core. Every single cell in the human body is “sexed,” and so is the brain.
Despite this difference in design, there is no difference in value; that is, a difference in design does not mean a difference in value, as Peter J. Kreeft notes. All persons are imagio dei, made in the immortal image of God, and thus have sacred worth, and so the motto “Different in design, but equal in value” remains true.
Furthermore, on this complementary view of men and women as “different in design but equal in value,” the point is not to establish strict, rigid roles nor ironclad models. The point is to acknowledge and celebrate:
• Certain general tendencies or trends among men and women;
• Some beautiful and unique gifts that men and woman have; and
• How they can use these gifts to build a marriage and help heal and encourage one another toward holiness.
Such a complementary view, then, rejects:
• Masculine chauvinism: “Men are always superior.”
• Female chauvinism: “Women are always superior.”
• Bland egalitarianism: “There are no major differences between men and women.”
If you believe that men and women are inherently different but equally valuable, we hope you’ll consider joining our growing team of DEFENDERS, who are committed to protecting children from modern gender ideology and have a passion for promoting God’s design for marriage and family.
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