The Washington Senate Committee on Commerce and Labor has scheduled a hearing for SB 6443, the Senate version of the bill to repeal the Human Rights Commission’s open-bathroom policy.
On Wednesday, January 27th at 1:30pm, concerned citizens can attend a public hearing at the Washington State Capitol. The hearing will take place in the John A. Cherberg Building, in Hearing Room 1 (see Capitol map here).
You can access the page with the meeting place, time, and agenda at this link.
WATCH: How to Testify at a State Legislative Hearing
The Washington House of Representatives has also introduced a bill to repeal the HRC’s rule, however, it must be approved first by the House Judiciary Committee. Judiciary Committee Chairwoman Rep. Laurie Jinkins, a well-known LGBT activist, has publicly announced that she will not give HB 2589 a hearing. “There’s a plethora of reasons, but I would say repealing someone’s right to not be discriminated against is not a priority for me,” Jinkins said.
The legislative process is supposed to allow for the people to provide input on legislation that affects them. FPIW Action, a partner of FPIW, has been urging concerned citizens to call Rep. Jinkins’ office to ask her to schedule a hearing on this bill, HB 2589.
If you would like to call her office to provide your input, the phone number is (360) 786-7930.
You can click here to use our contact portal to send an email to your legislators.
Will you chip in $5 or more to help us push back on the bathroom rule?