We are tired of losing. In our lifetime, we’ve seen the destruction of our cities, our schools, and our families. We want our beloved state back. The living water of grace calls us to forgive and unite, and to bring God back into the public square. It’s time for the triumph of victory in Washington State.

We are committed to achieving a state where authentic biblical values flourish, and people are free to live out their faith in the workplace and community. These are the Biblical values we are determined to defend in the public square:

  • LIFE: We believe that the government has an obligation to protect life from conception to natural death. We advocate on issues of life ranging from abortion to euthanasia.
  • MARRIAGE: We believe marriage is between one man and one woman, and that it is the optimum family arrangement for the rearing of children. We advocate for the preservation and promotion of natural marriage at the state and federal levels in order to address our social ills rather than an ever larger, more controlling government.
  • PARENTAL RIGHTS: We believe parents have the right to choose how to raise their children. From educational choice to vaccine exemptions, we oppose government efforts to force parents into decisions with which they do not agree.
  • RELIGIOUS LIBERTY: We believe that the right to worship freely, publicly, and at work is fundamental and non-negotiable. We fight against unconstitutional restrictions on churches and ministries, to preserve the rights of churches and religious schools to hire as they see fit, and for Washingtonians to live out their faith freely.

And much, much more.

But we can only defend these crucial elements of a functioning society through your faithful giving and support. FPIW has established a goal of raising $250,000 by the end of 2023 in order to fund our organization’s infrastructure and initiatives. So far, we’re proud to announce that we have raised more than $170,000 thanks to donors like yourself.

Can we count on your continued support to help us reach our goal by the end of the year?

God has set aside 1.7 MILLION conservatives in the state of Washington for such a time as this — conservatives who will defend life, religious freedom, free speech, marriage, family, kids, constitutional rights, and Biblical values.

Are you one of them?

If so, we urge you to get involved in our DEFENDERS program so you can learn how to make a difference in your community. Hundreds have already joined the team. Learn more at www.fpiw.org/fpiw-defender/, and please join FPIW in ushering in a new wave of Christ-centered policy into our beloved state.