“The Golden Age of America begins right now.”
~President Donald J. Trump, Inaugural Address, 2025
In the U.S. Capitol Rotunda, surrounded by legislators, friends, family, and dignitaries, Donald J. Trump pledged to create a nation that is “proud, prosperous, and free.” In no uncertain terms, our 47th President declared that “America will soon be greater, stronger, and far more exceptional than ever before.” We pray that God guides and equips Trump and his administration in restoring common-sense policies and traditional values in America – the results of which will be felt globally.
Trump also spoke about his faith in God and reflected on his attempted assassination in July 2024, saying he was “saved by God to make America great again.” “During every single day of the Trump administration I will, very simply, put America first,” Trump explained at the beginning of his address. Later, he detailed numerous policies, many of which will go into immediate effect through executive orders signed on Inauguration Day, that will do just that – put America first.
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On Day One, Trump signed some 100 Executive Orders – a national record. He detailed many of those new policies in his Inaugural Address. Here are three examples that relate directly to FPIW’s vision:
(1) Protecting the Borders. “First, I will declare a national emergency at our southern border. All illegal entry will immediately be halted, and we will begin the process of returning millions and millions of criminal aliens back to the places from which they came. We will reinstate my ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy,” Trump proclaimed. He also mentioned several other immigration-related executive orders, such as ending the practice of catch-and-release, sending troops to the southern border, and designating cartels as foreign terrorist organizations. These policies will significantly impact Washington State for the better, as we currently rank ninth in illegal immigration with over 300,000 migrants residing in our state without paperwork.
At FPIW, we support a lawful and orderly immigration policy. We oppose illegal immigration. But we welcome people who desire to become Americans and adopt our ways of living — those immigrants who respect and celebrate our culture and customs, and those who uphold our treasured values of Western Civilization that have been the source of our strength, prosperity, and moral leadership as a force for good, “a city set on a hill.”
(2) Defending Gender & Ending DEI. Thankfully, Trump also declared an end to DEI and radical gender theory: “This week, I will also end the government policy of trying to socially engineer race and gender into every aspect of public and private life. We will forge a society that is colorblind and merit-based. As of today, it will henceforth be the official policy of the United States government that there are only two genders, male and female.”
At FPIW, we believe in only two genders. We believe marriage is between one man and one woman, and that it is the optimum family arrangement for the rearing of children. We oppose males competing in female sports. We oppose racially defined hirings; we support hiring based upon meritocracy and excellence.
(3) Upholding Medical Freedom. To much applause, Trump also announced that he will reinstate service members who were discharged from the military for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine, with full back pay. He also stated that he will sign an executive order to “stop our warriors from being subjected to radical political theories and social experiments while on duty. It’s going to end immediately. Our armed forces will be free to focus on their sole mission, defeating America’s enemies.”
At FPIW, we oppose vaccine mandates, and we uphold medical freedom. We believe that healthcare professionals, health insurance companies, hospitals and employers have the right to live out their faith in their practice of medicine. We support policies to protect taxpayers from being forced to fund abortion and gender procedures and oppose legislation that forces merging hospitals or medical facilities to provide these procedures.
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January 20, 2025, is the dawn of a new day in America, and we are filled with hope for the next four years and what a conservative administration will accomplish for our nation. Praise God for the restoration of many Christian values in the White House! President Trump said:
“My recent election is a mandate to completely and totally reverse a horrible betrayal and all of these many betrayals that have taken place, and to give the people back their faith, their wealth, their democracy and indeed, their freedom. From this moment on, America’s decline is over. . . .
“After all we have been through together, we stand on the verge of the four greatest years in American history. With your help, we will restore America’s promise, and we will rebuild the nation that we love — and we love it so much. We are one people, one family, and one glorious nation under God. So to every parent who dreams for their child and every child who dreams for their future, I am with you. I will fight for you, and I will win for you. We’re going to win like never before.”
If you’re energized to engage in politics under the Trump administration, the perfect place to start is on our team of FPIW DEFENDERS, who will capitalize on an amiable federal government to bring traditional values back to Washington. You can learn more about FPIW’s policy views in our Issues Booklet, which can be found here.
- Want to Change Our Culture? 500,000 DEFENDER Prayer Warriors Are Needed.
- Want to be Heard in Olympia? 200,000 DEFENDER Activists for Political Power Are Needed.
- Want to Change Washington’s Laws? 450,000 DEFENDER Signers of Initiatives & Referendums Are Needed.
- Want Lasting Change? 1.7 Million DEFENDER Voters for Conservative Candidates Are Needed.
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Sponsored by: FPIW Action • PO Box 5298 Lynnwood, WA 98046-5298 • 425-608-0242