A New National Declaration: Join us Sunday, October 27th for “Bring Your Ballot to Church”

“Let It Be Declared: By the faithful institution of the Family Policy Institute of Washington,
that October 27th, 2024, is the official NATIONAL BRING YOUR BALLOT TO CHURCH SUNDAY.

Mark the calendar! There’s a new National Declaration coming soon. FPIW is mobilizing churches across the nation to engage in the voting process by initiating a grassroots event known as Bring Your Ballot to Church Sunday. We are incredibly excited to bring together the body of Christ and prayerfully cast our votes for many elected officials, including the 47th President of the United States.

On October 20th, we encourage you to invite your friends and family to bring their ballots to church the following Sunday. Click here to download flyers you can distribute to the congregation. And then, on Sunday, October 27th, those who brought their ballots will form small groups, pray, and caravan to the Ballot Box location nearest the church. Once everyone has submitted their ballots, we suggest the small groups gather for Sunday lunch.

We encourage church leaders to engage their entire congregation in this event and corporately pray over the ballots and election, yet this event also can be initiated by individual members of the church. Click here for more information about how to get your church involved.

Why vote? As Christians, we hold a heartfelt desire to see God-honoring improvements in our society, and we believe voting is one act of cultural stewardship in order to do so. Voting honors God because it honors the responsibility He has entrusted into our own hands; moreover, voting is an act by which we love our neighbors, our “extended family” in society. As John Stott writes:

“Therefore if we truly love our neighbors, and because of their worth, desire to serve them, we shall be concerned for their total welfare, the well-being of their soul, their body and their community. And our concern shall lead to practical programs [i.e., government programs and policies].”

Voting, then, is an act that honors the first and greatest biblical commandment, and the second commandment, too (Matthew 22:36-40).

To read more about why Christians are called to vote, and how they can do so in a manner that honors God, please read our informational booklets that discuss these topics in depth: Why Vote?, Vote the Bible, and Just Preach the Gospel?

Finally, here’s the good news and the hope to improve our society: A recent report by My Faith Votes found that there are approximately 25 million Christians in America who do not vote on a consistent basis. If self-professed followers of Christ voted, they would have the power to single-handedly change the course of our nation,” Daily Citizen reported. Christians not only have a patriotic duty to participate in elections but a biblical responsibility to do so as well. It is more important now than ever that we engage the church in the voting process and encourage believers to rise up and cast their ballots!

Will you join us in energizing fellow believers to engage in the political process through Bring Your Ballot to Church Sunday on October 27th?

  • Want to Change Our Culture? 500,000 DEFENDER Prayer Warriors Are Needed. 
  • Want to be Heard in Olympia? 200,000 DEFENDER Activists for Political Power Are Needed.
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  • Want Lasting Change? 1.7 Million DEFENDER Voters for Conservative Candidates Are Needed. 

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